Tuesday, 2009-07-21

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grantc@name ii_log00:54
ii_log`grantc: Error: "name" is not a valid command.00:54
grantc@nick ii_log00:54
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dykimorning all01:13
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Deyanhello guys01:30
Deyangrantc: in which case ingres_close() will block forever?01:31
Deyanany ideas?01:31
Deyani have a case where ingres_close() never returns...01:31
grantcit should never block01:31
grantcunless you have an ingres_query() statement hanging due to a locking problem01:31
Deyanbut in that case the script should not reach the line where i call ingres_close() right?01:34
Deyanit should still be there where i called ingres_query() ?01:35
grantci would assume so at least01:35
Deyanme too01:36
grantcis it something you can reproduce on demand?01:36
Deyanthat is why i added a simple echo before ingres_close and after01:36
Deyanit prints the one before01:36
Deyanbut not after01:36
Deyanso it seems to me that ingres_close() blocks01:36
grantcCPU usage?01:37
Deyanno, it is not something i can reproduce easily :(01:38
grantcthe next time it happens check to see if you have any lock waits in the server01:39
grantcthe only thing i can think of that it might be is the clean up code going into an infinite loop01:40
grantcbut i would expect to see excessive CPU usage01:40
Deyani think you are right01:40
Deyanso... if there are some locks, ingres_close() blocks01:40
Deyani restarted server01:40
Deyanand ran script again01:41
Deyanand now everything works01:41
grantcthe driver performs a rollback on closure01:41
grantcso no locks should stop it01:41
grantcbefore that takes place each statement is closed (under duress if needed)01:42
grantchowever under ingres_close() the function free_ii_link_result_list() iterates over the open statements and it's possible that goes into the inifinte loop01:43
grantc_free_ii_link_result_list() not free_ii_link_result_list()01:43
Deyanhold on01:43
Deyani will paste 3 lines01:43
Deyan    echo "[DEBUG] before\n";01:43
Deyan    ingres_close($dbcTarget);01:43
Deyan    echo "[DEBUG] after\n";01:44
Deyanthe first one executes01:44
Deyanbut second echo does not01:44
Deyanso i am quite sure ingres_close() does not return01:44
Deyanfor some reasons01:44
grantci have an english question or rather how would you interpret the following statement: The number is between  0 and 1003:04
grantcdoes between imply 0 and 10 are included or not?03:05
Deyangood question03:09
dyki10 is included 0 is not03:09
Deyanaccording to my colleagues it means that 0 and 10 are included in the range03:10
pborograntc, you can't know without asking :D03:11
grantchmm ... where's my copy of OED when i need it03:11
grantc£205+VAT per year for the OED :(03:13
grantci guess between could be inclusive... since a bridge between two cliffs would include the cliffs...03:14
grantcbut the space between two people would not include the people03:15
grantcpboro, sorry to cause any doubts :P03:16
pboroahaha :)03:18
Deyaningres@srv021:~> date03:20
DeyanTue Jul 21 11:24:23 BST 200903:20
DeyanSRV021            ::[53786             , 4275      ,  0000000000000001, scdinit.c:3757        ]: Tue J                                                               ul 21 03:22:37 2009 E_SC0129_SERVER_UP  Ingres Release II 9.3.0 (a64.lnx/140)NPTL Server -- Normal Sta                                                               rtup.03:20
Deyancheck the system date03:20
Deyanand ingres date03:20
Deyanwhy i have that difference??03:21
Deyanany ideas?03:21
grantcDeyan, two things - can you post any output you have to http://ingres.pastebin.com and paste the link here...03:21
grantcsecond thing your II_TIMEZONE_NAME is not set or is set to NA-PACIFIC03:21
Deyani suppose that makes sense for output bigger than few lines03:21
Deyanthanks for timezone03:22
grantcyou can set it to UNITED-KINGDOM or EUROPE-WESTERN to get the value you want03:22
grantci kind of wish we used the Olson timezone DB03:23
grantcEurope/London or Europe/Madrid is so much easier to decipher03:23
Deyani kind of wish ingres uses system timezone03:24
grantcthere may be reasons you don't want to do that03:24
grantcinternally we use GMT03:24
grantcbut we will adjust the value at the client app03:24
Deyanis there some document about all these variables so i do not bother you guys here?03:28
Deyanin .bashrc of ingres user03:29
Deyanstill no changes03:29
Deyan(restarted server)03:29
grantcwhat does ingprenv II_TIMEZONE_NAME say?03:31
Deyanstill NA-PACIFIC03:32
grantcthat's the value ingres will use on startup03:32
grantcthen restart03:33
Deyanwill that value be persistently stored?03:33
Deyanthanks grantc03:35
Deyanvery much03:35
grantcyup ingsetenv is persistent03:35
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atrofastAnyone else having problems checking out from code.ingres.com?03:45
Deyanhold on03:46
Deyani will tell you in a sec03:46
Deyanlooks like there is some problem, indeed03:47
Deyanaha, works now03:47
atrofastThanks Deyan03:47
Deyansvn up worked here03:47
Deyanbut is VERY slow03:47
atrofastHMm on checkout I got some: OPTION request fialed03:48
grantcatrofast, there are problems checking out of code... I don't know what the cause is03:49
atrofastAnyone tried a reboot of Apache?03:50
grantcno but we keep having these problems and rebooting apache is not the soln03:50
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atrofastI know... but while we're searching for a solution, let's try to keep it working03:54
grantci've restarted the server03:59
grantcperhaps we need to look at uprading subversion?04:00
grantcalso the server is restarted 2 times a day as it is with the problems we had with trac...04:01
grantcperhaps it's time we split bugs and code04:01
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atrofastYeah perhaps... I'm not in the office for a couple of hours but when I get back I will look in to it more closely04:09
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grantcHi AdrianHu, are you looking for JoPeel?04:10
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AdrianHuHello Grant.  Perhaps.  I'm looking for somebody with knowledge of DMF.04:13
grantcerr not me i am afraid04:13
grantcthere may be someone from the US who might be able to help later on04:14
AdrianHuok.  Thanks.04:14
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cloviswhi, i'm a user of SapDB now its know as MaxDB, now its time to migrate or know another database, and i'm with a doubt, learn Postgres or Ingres? anyone can explain what Ingres is better than Postgres?04:22
Deyanclovisw: no idea, i am just a beginer myself04:28
Deyani never liked PostgreSQL ...04:28
Deyanfor some reasons04:28
cloviswyou can explain that reasons?04:29
Deyanno idea, just a feeling04:29
cloviswand how about your use and learning curve of Ingres?04:29
Deyanhowever, Ingres offers some features (enterprise) that Postgres does not04:29
Deyanfeatures like: OpenRoad04:29
Deyanexcellent VDBA (i wish i have it on Linux)04:30
AdrianHuThe learning curve of Ingres is much lower than DB2 :D.  DB2 confused the heck out of me, so I uninstalled it fairly soon after.04:32
AdrianHuYeah, the terminal monitor isn't that great on Linux, but it's adequate for my role in developing bits of the backend DBMS for my PhD.04:36
cloviswAdrianHu, and what is your impression between Postgres x Ingres?04:37
Deyangrantc: ingres examples on wiki do not use ingres_commit() function04:40
Deyanis that a mistake, or ingres_commit() is not really necessary?04:40
grantcDeyan, they are based on the tests for the PHP driver which in turn don't commit as they need to be repeatable04:41
Deyani am still trying to find out why ingres_close() blocks...04:41
Deyanit 100% blocks for some reason04:41
grantc100% meaning CPU?04:41
Deyancpu is fine04:43
Deyanload is okay04:43
Deyani will paste the code...04:43
grantcif you want the data to persist at the end of the page you will either need to issue an ingres_commit() or enble autocommit04:43
AdrianHuI've used both, but neither in a real operational scenario. For me, the first things that spring to mind are that Ingres is particularly strong for distributed DBMS, replication, that sort of thing.  PostgreSQL has support for user-defined data types without hacking a bunch of C code.  PostgreSQL is really easy to get started with.  I like the GUI. Ingres probably is too if you use it on Windows, but I have have to use Linux, though it's04:44
AdrianHu still not too bad.  Otherwise both are capable DBMSs, good SQL Standard support (unlike MySQL!), strong support for useful things like constraints and triggers, good optimizers.04:44
Deyangrantc: it stops at line 6304:45
Deyanwhen we call ingres_close()04:45
grantcwhat happens when you comment out lines 32-35=04:46
Deyanok, i will check that04:47
Deyanit will take few minutes...04:48
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pboroHi MagnusG| :)04:49
MagnusG|Hi pboro04:49
grantcDeyan, no problem, i am going to go in search of lunch04:50
Deyani am using that script for migration to our new server04:50
Deyanoriginally we thought 9.4 is bugged04:50
Deyangrantc: yep, still the same04:52
grantcwhich version of the PHP driver are you using?04:52
Deyanlatest one04:53
grantci wonder if there is a problem with dual connections... there should not be but you never know...04:55
grantci'll take a shufty after lunch04:55
Deyanin fact i will need 3 connections in paralllel04:59
Deyan1) to the "sys" database, 2) to the project database(s) 3) to the target database04:59
Deyanbecause i want to merge all project databases into one, single database04:59
Deyanfor legacy reasons they have been kept separate04:59
Deyan(old VMS ...)04:59
Deyanwe'll talk after lunch05:00
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* Deyan is back05:22
cloviswingres supports materialized views?05:26
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pboroclovisw, afaik no05:28
cloviswthen to simulate that i must use triggers right?05:29
pboroHmm I'm not sure if it's possible to use triggers to simulate that :/ I don't have much experience with materialized views05:30
AdrianHuNo.  Ingres does not support materialized views.  There are no plans from Ingres themselves to add them any time soon.  However, my research work does involve materialized views.  If it goes well then there maybe a prototype in about a year's time.  "Simulating" them with triggers is possible. One paper even stated that some DBMS implement them internally that way.05:31
pboroHere's stephenb's answer to materialized views: "Ingres does not support materialized views. This is on the to-do list but as yet has no specific release or date attached to it."05:32
AdrianHuYou might try http://www.pgcon.org/2008/schedule/events/69.en.html It's written for PostgreSQL but should work in Ingres too.05:36
cloviswAdrianHu, thanks that will helps05:36
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Deyandatabase creation in ingres is considerably slower than with mysql...07:02
Deyani have sql script which creates around 50 tables, and alters them07:03
Deyanit is running for more than a minute...07:03
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pboroDeyan, yeah, that's something what I have wondered too08:10
Deyanit is at least 10x slower than mySQL08:13
dykii can agree08:13
dyki81 tables with around 180foreign keys works like dog08:14
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Alex|grantc, what's the problem? Didn't had much time to follow irc lately09:41
grantcpeople unable to do checkout updates09:41
grantcno real info in the log files09:41
grantcare you in the office the rest of this week?09:42
Alex|yes, should be there09:42
grantcjust need to hear back from rossand and atrofast09:43
rossandhi grantc, I am free most of the week except tomorrow am my time (afternoon your time).09:44
grantcok - name me a time on thurs you will be free09:45
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rossandgrantc: flexible. I can shift my day around our discussion.10:18
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pborohmh... after upgrading 9.2 to p13457, I keep getting "ER error 10902" and E_AD7015_ADP_FREE_LOCATOR23:08
pboroah, fix for bug 121788 seems to be incomplete :(23:36

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