Wednesday, 2009-07-22

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Deyanhello guys02:10
pborohi Deyan02:26
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Deyanhow's going, guys?03:11
pborofine :) I installed patch 13457 to fix a bug with JDBC and LOBs, but found a new bug...03:12
Deyando i have to do some special configuration in order to build Ingres on x86_64 Linux?03:16
Deyanwhen i do what README says i get bunch of errors at some point03:16
pborowhat are the errors? paste them in pastebin and paste url here03:17
Deyanthe first problem i see is: "don't know how to make /usr/lib/"03:19
Deyanwhich is stupid03:19
Deyanbecause i have libxerces-c03:19
pboroah, that has been discussed before03:19
Deyanin /usr/lib6403:19
pboroyou need 32-bit version of libraries too03:19
pborosince Ingres build is a hybrid build, it builds both 32- and 64-bit versions03:20
pborothere's tips for compiling ingres on Ubuntu03:22
pboroit's written by atrofast, who's also on the channel03:23
pborothe tips mention Xerces 2.5 but based on your error, it expects 2.7 nowadays03:25
Deyani have 2.803:25
Deyanon the system03:25
Deyanand i do not have 32bit libs at all03:25
atrofastDeyan: You will need 32 bit libs to  build Ingres on a 64 bit machine03:53
atrofastThey vary somewhat between systems and packages but you will need a GCC that has both 64 and 32 bit libs, and xerces-c needs to be there, both 32 bit and 64 bit03:53
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dykigrantc: what is the maximum inserts that php can handle in single transaction?03:56
dykinumber of^^03:56
pboroI don't think PHP puts any limit on it... but your transaction log size will :)03:56
grantcdyki, what pboro says03:57
pborodyki, all data goes to transaction log until you commit, so you have to make sure you don't fill the log or make the log big enough03:58
grantcan alternative is to use savepoints, but the driver does not support them, yet03:59
dykithanks guys04:00
dykii couldnt figure out why my script failed to commit when it had more than 300 rows to insert.04:01
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pboroyou might want to replace that with a redirect to or similar ;)04:48
grantcred is quite fashionable these days :)04:48
Alex|oh yes indeed... :)04:49
grantcanother "reload" required04:49
pboroAh, my ingres build environment works now. I finally decided to make few enhancements to certain error messages...04:51
grantcsorted goes to
Deyangrantc: does ingres extension automatically quote strings?05:04
grantcwhat do you mean by quote?05:05
Deyani have something like: "insert into ... values(?, ?, '?'...)"05:05
Deyanif i have single quotes there ingres_query does not understand it05:05
Deyanif i remove it, it does not generate proper statement05:05
grantcif you are parsing params using ? then quoting strings is not needed05:06
Deyani am doing something wrong, but do not know what05:06
grantchow are you passing parameters? using an array?05:06
grantcthen you should not need to quote the parameter values05:07
grantcthe driver speaks to the server to work out what is being passed (ingres 9.1.x or newer) else it infers it from the PHP types05:07
grantcor you can type cast in php05:07
Deyanty, something is wrong, but i do not see what05:08
Deyanif i remove quotes i get bunch of different error messages :D05:09
Deyani'll make a proper strings out of it05:09
Deyanmaybe that will fix the problem05:10
Deyani am basically passing result of ingres_query05:10
Deyan(elements of that array)05:10
Deyanto the prepared statement query05:10
DeyanPHP Warning:  ingres_query(): Error binding parameters in /home/ingres/dejan/athena/migrator/inc/dir_dat_companies.php on line 25105:11
Deyanyeah, if i leave plain ? something goes wrong05:11
Deyanlet me make strings out of those...05:12
Deyanand see if it will work05:12
grantcdoes ingres_error() return anything?05:13
Deyanit prints empty string05:20
grantclooking at the code it's possible that the function exits without generating a message, apart from the one you see05:21
grantcthe function that does the bind being php_ii_bind_params05:22
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atrofast grantc: This FAQ talks a little about Trac + remote SVN repos:
grantcatrofast, thanks i read something a long those lines in someone's blog07:37
grantci think for now it's a no-no07:37
atrofastPotentially you could mount the svn repos as a remote filesystem using sshfs or something but that doesn't seem like a very good idea07:38
atrofastAnd it still wouldn't take care of the SVN hooks issue07:38
* grantc thinks atrofast should stop digging :)07:39
atrofastHehe, okay... I think it *could* be done, not sure it *should*07:39
grantcindeed :)07:40
grantcperhaps we could move the ingres instance off this box on to another machine07:40
* Deyan loves redmine more07:40
grantcthat won't impact lxr or trac07:41
grantcrails .... -107:41
atrofastThat would be an easier move, but what would we accomplish with that?07:42
grantcmoving ingres off would reduce the load and memory footprint07:46
Deyanlighttpd ftw07:49
grantcDeyan, lighttpd does not support ldap groups ...07:50
atrofastWithout crawlers on Trac and LXR I don't think Ingres is affecting the load and memory footprint that much o nthe machine. Although I don't have any hard data to back this up07:52
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grantchi adrianwarwickuni07:53
grantcif you still have a DMF Q you might want to ask toumi0107:54
adrianwarwickuniThanks.  I've received a suggestion from Doug Inkster that I'm gonna try first.07:54
grantcfair enough07:55
grantcatrofast, my problem with how is setup is that we don't have a good handle for what is going on07:56
atrofastThat's true, well moving Ingres to another server wouldn't be a big change, just update the connection info for LXR and Trac08:06
grantcwhat do you think about moving / to /svn08:09
Deyanbrb - have to reboot08:09
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atrofastThink it would be fairly painless to use a rewrite to make all current requests go to /svn or would we have to inform everyone that they would have to do an svn switch?08:11
grantcplan A is the re-write else it's plan B, switching08:12
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Deyanguys, is transaction log a file?09:01
Deyanor a chunk of memory reserved for transactions?09:01
DeyanCBF says it is a file09:01
Deyanand is 32M big09:01
Deyanby default09:01
pboroit is file by default09:01
pboro32M is pretty small09:01
Deyanif it is a file i can reserve 1G for it09:02
Deyanor more09:02
pboroI have 512 MB on my servers09:02
Deyani wish someone writes some good article how to properly configure Ingres after the instalation09:02
Deyanbecause defaults are not good09:02
Deyanit would help Ingres newbies like me09:03
DeyanIngres documentation is not helpful09:03
Deyanit is too big09:03
atrofastDeyan, you can use CBF to increase the size of your transaction log09:03
Deyanatrofast: i am doing that atm09:03
atrofastOkay, excellent... Yeah a 1 gig file is a lot better than 32mb .. I often make it a couple of gigs in case... Although the bigger it is the longer it can take for transactions to unwind or for the recovery server to start if you have any kind of crash or interruption09:04
Deyanatrofast: any other hints to make Ingres perform better (after the installation)? :)09:05
Deyanthis server has 8GB RAM09:05
DeyanI usually setup query cache(s) in MySQL09:05
Deyanto fit the amount of RAM09:05
Deyanand similar stuff09:06
pboroMySQL's query cache sucks btw09:06
pborokey_buffer_size is the most useful09:06
pboroin Ingres I would make DMF caches at least "large" or even bigger with that amount of RAM09:07
Deyani am going to do that09:07
pboro(cache_guideline or what ever the name of the derived settings was)09:07
Deyani am also going to read what DMF is :D09:07
Deyanthere are several dmf_* parameters09:08
Deyandmf_db_cache_size = 40 entries09:09
Deyanhow big is "entry" ?09:09
pboroDMF cache caches pages from database tables09:09
pborohmm I would recommend tuning cache_guideline instead of touching separate values09:09
Deyanwhere is that?09:10
pborolemme check the name of the setting09:10
DeyanDBMS server parameters?09:10
Deyan(9.3 Ingres here)09:10
pborothere's separate DMF caches for each page sizes (2 kB, 4 kB, 8 kB, 16 kB, ...)09:10
pborocbf -> DBMS Server / Configure (1) -> Cache (4)09:11
Deyangoing there09:11
Deyani just have ON/OFFs there09:12
pboroin cache view there's listing like "DMF Cache 2k", "DMF Cache 4k", ...09:12
pboroyeah, then choose 2k and Edit(2)09:12
pboroah sorry09:12
pboronot edit, but Configure (1)09:12
pboroedit switches on/off :)09:12
pboroand in configure there's setting "cache_guideline"09:12
Deyanit is "medium" here09:12
pboroyup... possible values are "small", "medium", "large" and "huge"09:13
Deyansearching documentation what it means...09:13
pboroI have it configured "large" for all page sizes that are ON09:13
pboroPF2 is help for the field, at least in vt100f09:14
pboroor F2, depends on your terminal settings09:14
pboroeach of small/medium/large/huge takes different amount of memory, it is also possible to make cache too large, i.e. it is never used completely and the memory is wasted in that case09:15
Deyaningres uses very little memory atm09:15
Deyanwhich is normal09:15
Deyanit is a test server and has just few concurrent users09:16
pborohmm I wonder if there's a good web page about DMF caches that you could just read and understand...09:16
Deyanif you find it, i will be eternaly grateful09:16
pborowell, at least you can google about DMF, I gotta run now, my gf wants to go eat :D09:17
pborotracepoint dm420 can be used to check dmf cache status, google dm420 and dmf or similar09:17
pboronow ->09:17
Deyanwhere are Ingres headquarters?09:34
DeyanUSA or UK?09:35
grantcbut the EU HQ is in the UK09:37
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