Monday, 2009-10-26

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atrofastgrantc: Can you add people to our hidden lists at
grantcwhat hidden lists?08:24
atrofastgrantc: codev08:24
ccsidiotI'm Eva08:33
ccsidiotI have one quick question08:33
grantchi eva08:34
DarylMGo ahead08:34
ccsidiotI was getting the php driver for Ingres here
ccsidiotAnd I have Ingres II version 10.008:35
ccsidiotWhen I unzip the package that I download, I didn't spot the folder for Ingres 10.008:36
ccsidiotWhich one shall I pick then?08:36
grantci'll need to build you one as I've not done a dll for that release08:36
ccsidiotOh, that will be great! Thanks so much08:37
ccsidiotToo sleepy08:37
ccsidiotRead that wrong08:37
ccsidiotSo I need to go back and get Ingres 9.3 instead?08:37
ii_logccsidiot: Error: "@" is not a valid command.08:38
ccsidiotSigh, looks like that I need to :(08:38
grantcccsidiot: which PHP release is this for?08:39
grantcif you can wait 30 minutes i can do a new build of the driver for 10.0.0/10708:39
grantcwhich version of php08:40
atrofastHey grantc how hard is it to set up an environment in Windows to build the Ingres PHP driver?08:40
grantcit's not difficult once you've done it 10 times :)08:40
ccsidiotWow 10 times!08:41
grantcit's not as easy as building it on Linux/UNIX08:41
ccsidiotThanks! I can wait while figuring out other things08:41
grantcit requires a full PHP build environment08:41
DarylM10 times grantc?  I would think you have built and rebuilt that driver around 10,000 times  ..... :-)08:41
grantc@google php windows source08:42
ii_loggrantc: PHP: Downloads: <>; PHP: Building from source - Manual: <>; ImageMagick: Install from Source: <>; Text ยป Windows Source Code: <>; :: Windows 2k/XP Registry Tweaks: (2 more messages)08:42
grantcthe 2nd link gives you the basic setup you need08:42
atrofastWhich Windows versions are supported?08:43
atrofastProbably not Win 7 64 bit eh? :P08:44
grantcwin x64 is not supported no :)08:45
atrofastI always get burned for running 64 bit :P08:45
atrofastThe only VPN client that works is NCP's and it costs $20008:46
atrofastCisco is not making a 64 bit client for Windows08:46
grantci guess you'll have to wait until we change VPN tech (supposedly planned)08:49
grantcthe ciscovpn tool is not being developed at all now - i believe its their SSL soln or nothing08:50
atrofastgrantc: Yeah that's what I heard too08:50
atrofastJust have to get my VPN business done in Linux, that's all08:51
grantcccsidiot/atrofast - seems to have an improved guide08:51
grantcor get a vpn router08:51
grantcon mac we have the choice of cisco or vpnc...08:51
grantcccsidiot: do you know which PHP type you are running? Thread safe or non-thread safe08:53
ccsidiotOh, how do I check that?08:54
ccsidiotIt says08:54
ccsidiotThread Safety = enabled08:54
grantcccsidiot: MD5sum afc5c73cbb045341351a7fc2fefad61c08:57
ccsidiotWow, thanks so much!08:59
Vroomfondlegrantc: I'm trying to drag our Ingres PHP wrapper function into the 21st century. If I call ingres_fetch_array after sending, say, a CREATE query (or something else which doesn't actually return rows), will the driver get upset at me?09:51
Vroomfondleat the moment our wrapper function differentiates between SELECT and CREATE, UPDATE etc. and I can't quite figure out why09:51
grantcit will tell your mum :)09:52
grantcthe driver executes SELECT's differently from other statements09:52
Vroomfondlehow so?09:53
grantcor rather the 2.0 driver does - if you want the 2.0 driver to execute the queries the same way as the older driver i.e. not use cursors for selects use ingres_unbuffered_query09:53
grantcwith 9.2 and cursors you can scroll backwards and forwards09:54
Vroomfondlethe wrapper function currently only does the fetch_array stuff if you've sent a SELECT. Otherwise it avoids doing that. I'm wondering if I still need to include this behaviour.09:54
Vroomfondleor can I just make it send the query and then try to do an ingres_fetch_array nomatter what09:55
* grantc is thinking09:55
grantcin theory there should not be any problem - but it's been a while since i've tested that scenario09:56
Vroomfondlewell, I'll assume that it'll work then; I'll be sure to let you know if it doesn't :)09:56
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grantcit appears to be harmless from some quick testing09:59
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ccsidiotI was following this to get Drupal on Ingres14:15
ccsidiotWhen I have a test.php with this line echo "<?php echo ini_get('extension_dir'); ?>" | php14:15
ccsidiotwhere the test.php is located under htdocs of apache2.214:15
ccsidiotit gives me echo "./"14:15
ccsidiotand I put the php_ingres.dll under apache, it didn't work14:16
pboroyeah, that means that the extension_dir is set to "./" in your php.ini14:16
pboroyou should modify your php.ini to define some proper path to php_ingres.dll or something :)14:16
ccsidiotOkay cool :)14:17
ccsidiotLet me try if that works14:17
pboro; Directory in which the loadable extensions (modules) reside.14:18
pboroextension_dir = "./"14:18
pborothat's the default from php.ini14:18
ccsidiotYea, I can see that comments too14:18
ccsidiotBut I'm wondering if I go ahead and change that14:18
ccsidiotThere are other dlls that I got for getting php and apache communicating14:19
ccsidiotChanging that means I need to move those dlls to the new directory right?14:19
pborohmm... if those dlls do get correctly loaded, then php_ingres.dll should work too... have you added "extension=php_ingres.dll" in the bottom of php.ini?14:21
pborook, what are the other dlls? just name couple of them14:21
pboroand you load those too using extension=php5ts.dll and so on?14:22
pborothose don't look like extensions imo...14:22
pboroso extension_dir should not affect loading them :) just guessing, I have no experience on running apache+php on Windows14:23
ccsidiot^^" Yea, I don't have them14:23
ccsidiotin the list of extensions in php.ini14:23
pboroyeah, so it should be safe to change extension_dir and leave those dlls in the place where they are now14:24
pboroanyway, you can always make extension_dir = "./" if it turns out to be a bad idea :)14:24
ccsidiotYup :) The point that bug me was, I put the php_ingres.dll under the same directory as where I put that line of code14:25
ccsidiotand when I restarted apache, and restart the installation of Drupal14:26
ccsidiotit still can't locate php_ingres.dll14:26
pborohmm under the same directory as the line of code... you mean php.ini?14:27
pboro"./" might not refer to the path containing php.ini but something completely different... try extension_dir = "c:\php\ext" and place dll in c:\php\ext and try again then?14:28
ccsidiotI put that line of code in a toy php file namly test.php under the root of localhost14:28
ccsidiotI have also tried that14:28
pboroyou mean the "<?php echo..." or "extension_dir = ..."?14:28
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ccsidiotYea, I got it, thanks! That was silly, I typed / instead of \14:31
ccsidiotin the path of extension_dir14:31
pboroit works now?14:31
pborogreat :)14:31
pborono prob14:31
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ccsidiotNo, it doesn't14:33
ccsidiotIt was recognizing mysql but not ingre14:34
ccsidiotand they are put in the same directory C:/php/ext14:34
ccsidiotI have just commented the line extension=php_mysql.dll and restarted apache14:35
ccsidiotand it still can't find php_ingres.dll14:36
ccsidiotHummmm, I was playing around with other extensions and see if they can be seen by Drupal14:46
ccsidiotI've asked the Drupal people14:48
ccsidiotand their question is14:48
ccsidiotdoes drupal 7 requires the PDO for the database engine? And some other answers that I need php_pdo_ingres.dll14:49
ccsidiotI'm off, thanks for the help14:54
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ccsidiotHey, I have come in earlier today. I was installing Drupal 7 on Ingres, with PHP 5, Apache 2.219:45
ccsidiotOn windows 32 bit xp home sp319:46
ccsidiotand Firefox19:46
ccsidiotI have got the php_ingres.dll from Grant earlier today19:46
ccsidiotfor Ingres version 1019:46
ccsidiotand have extension_dir=C:/php/ext and this line extension=php_ingres.dll in my php.ini under Apache19:47
ccsidiotand when I ran the install.php from drupal, it says Your web server does not appear to support any common database types.19:48
ccsidiotThanks in advance if anyone have gone with this procedure can help me out a little bit20:15
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