Tuesday, 2009-10-27

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Dejanguys, i need a robust way of generating a sequence (identity) column in a table, in ingres that does not support this?04:38
Dejani remember someone told me they used some approach to workaround this problem04:38
grantccreate sequence my_table_id; create table my_table ( id not null default my_table_id.nextval, .......)04:52
grantcor you can use the identity type from 9.3 onwards04:52
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tonysimpsongrantc: would it be possible to get win32 binary distributions of the ingres python dbi for 2.5 and 2.6 up on pypi?05:18
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tonysimpsonI can build the python 2.5 package if that would help05:19
grantchi tonysimpson - let me chat with clach0405:24
grantcwe need a download for each Ingres release which is the problem05:24
tonysimpsonreally? that is a problem - why it that? do things change in odbc from version to version?05:26
grantchmm - may be you have a point. I've never looked in to it and assumed that for each Ingres release you will need a corresponding build for every python release05:28
tonysimpsonI don't know anything much about odbc but I can't think of anything in the driver that would tie it to a particular ingres version.05:30
tonysimpsonI haven't tested the driver for python 2.6 compatability but I don't think it would require major changes if any at all05:31
tonysimpsonI think I can set myself up as a maintainer on pypi then all that needs to be done is "python setup.py bdist_wininst upload" to upload a new binary distribution and anyone can pull it with easyinstall etc.05:32
tonysimpsonneed to go play pool back in half an hour05:34
grantcPersonally I have no issue with distributing source/binaries on pypi but I think its something that needs to be discussed.05:36
tonysimpsonagreed, I'll email you and chris about it05:59
grantci just mailed him, cc'd you too. I think chris is about to do a release so now is a good time to discuss this :)06:08
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Dejanwhat date types are available in 2.6 ?07:16
Dejaningresdate, timestamp and ansidate does not work07:16
Dejanand date is not enough07:16
toumi01you're quite right that in 2.6 there is just the pre-ANSI spec original Ingres date implementation, which was re-christened ingresdate when ANSI support was added07:19
Dejanso which type to use for : '1997-01-05 00:00:00'07:20
toumi01there are various II_DATE_FORMAT options in the SQL Reference07:27
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grantcDejan: you can use ISO4 for that format08:18
Dejanthe problem is that i cannot change it on that server08:20
Dejanit is production server which is still on 2.608:20
grantcit's a client setting08:20
Dejanis it?08:21
Dejangreat, i will try it08:21
Dejanerm, neither sys env variable works, nor ingsetenv08:25
Dejani am doing something wrong08:25
grantcexport II_DATE_FORMAT=ISO408:27
grantcthen execute your query08:28
grantcwhich app interface are you using?08:28
Dejani did exactly that08:33
Dejandid not work08:33
Dejani am getting "E_US10D0 2009 is not a valid month for a date column."08:33
grantcand "select date('now')"?08:34
DarylMISO4 is   yyyymmdd08:36
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DejanDarylM: yep08:39
Dejanthat is why i am getting error08:39
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siman01Dejan: SWEDEN is yyyy-mm-dd08:39
Dejaninsert into dejan_test2 values(3, '20091010 10:00:00'); worked08:39
grantcaccording to the docs yyyy-mm-dd is valid for ISO408:40
DarylMYes.  SWEDEN is used for the Ruby driver :-)08:40
grantcor FINLAND...08:41
Dejanit is not sweden, it is ISO standard08:41
DejanISO 860108:41
pboroyeah, we don't really use yyyy-mm-dd in finland, but dd.mm.yyyy :)08:41
DarylMHow nordic of ruby.   :-)08:42
grantcpboro: now you're being picky ;)08:42
pborothe same goes for sweden afaik, don't know where the ingres has taken the format :)08:42
grantcDejan: this topic came up on c.d.i. today and Ingres does not have a date format that complies with ISO860108:42
Dejanin sweden people use exactly as in ISO 860108:42
siman01grantc: 9.2 sql reference says YMD and SWEDEN(FINLAND) support yyyy-mm-dd but no others08:42
Dejansweden is advanced country08:43
pboroDejan, really? wtf :) they didn't teach that on my swedish lessons :(08:43
Dejansa, du kan svenska? ;)08:43
siman01I spent about a month with the living nightmare that is dateformats on a customer migration project - now hate it more than unicode08:44
pboroDejan, naturligtvis!08:44
Dejanthat format is IMHO the best date/time format human kind came with08:44
Dejanbecause it is sorted by default08:44
pboroDejan, svenska is the second official language in Finland08:44
Dejanif you know what i mean...08:44
Dejani always use it08:45
DarylMThe 9.3 documentation specifically states yyyy-mm-dd is acceptable ISO4 input format08:45
DejanDarylM: probably08:45
Dejanmy client is 1008:45
Dejanand server is 2.608:46
Dejanwhen i set ISO4 and do date('now') it returns something like '20091010 10:00:00'08:46
DarylMAlthough Ingres has one of the finest (IMHO) compatibility records between clients and servers, you obviously cannot use Ingres 10 features against an Ingres 2.6 (technically 8) server.  I don't really know which of these various date abilities actually showed up in each version.08:47
bonsaikittensiman01: be glad if you never have to parse emails08:49
bonsaikittenthat makes dates look trivial ;)08:49
pboroor do any other character set processing either...08:50
siman01ok yes email headers are notorious08:50
* DarylM thinks of an old Chicago song: "Does anyone really know what time it is? Does anyone really care; about time"08:50
bonsaikittenpboro: most character sets are well defined08:53
grantci did when my alarm went off 1 hour earlier than it should have.. damn smart phone adjusted the clock for the change in DST but also pushed the alarm back08:53
bonsaikittenemail ... just because the encoding of that field is mandatory doesn't mean anyone has to use the right one ;)08:53
siman01id include char set processing with unicode encode/decode so I have a scale of avoidance: email headers > dateformat/callender locals > unicode encode decode08:54
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ccsidiotI'm trying to follow this http://community.ingres.com/wiki/Drupal_on_Ingres_Documentation09:00
ccsidiotand revise my steps see if anything is wrong09:00
ccsidiotOn the wiki, it says that09:00
ccsidiotAdd an apache user to Ingres, then create a database named drupal with the apache user09:00
ccsidiot    * Note: If your apache installation uses a different user name, please adjust as needed09:00
grantcccsidiot: that's correct09:01
grantcon windows the user is "system" if you are running apache as a service09:01
ccsidiotDoes it mean that the user name under Apache = windows account user name09:01
grantcits the process owner as indicated in the task manager09:01
ccsidiotand that should be equal to the user name for the database that I have created under Ingres II09:02
grantcit does not need to equal the db owner but it does make life easier09:03
ccsidiotGrant, I saw your reply and Andrew's to my questions on mailing list, I have Drupal 6.14 now, and phpinfo(); does not have a SECTION about ingres09:03
ccsidiotRight now, I'm stepping through the wiki see if I've done anything wrong09:04
Dejanccsidiot: did you put ingres extension into the php.ini ?09:11
Dejanif you did, then even from the console window "php -m" will list "ingres" among other modules09:12
ccsidiotYes, I have the line extension=php_ingres.dll09:12
ccsidiotand plus the cygwin GNU plugins for windows cmd does not come with php commands09:13
ccsidiotSo when I type php -m it gives me nothing09:13
ccsidiotnothing as in it does not recognise php as a command that it can execute09:14
ccsidiotalthough my PATH variable has C:09:14
ccsidiotSo I'm suspecting maybe I have done something silly when I'm stepping through the wiki page09:15
ccsidiotLet me double check them first09:15
ccsidiotLike the other day I had the extension_dir=C:/php/ext when it should be C:\php\ext09:17
ccsidiotSo when I'm creating an Apache User09:18
ccsidiotIs there a specific filename that I need to put in when I type the following command: htpasswd -cbm filename.txt user pass09:18
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pborobonsaikitten, yeah the problem is the missing header for the character set... or... wrong header09:22
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grantcccsidiot: what do you get running \php\php.exe -m ?09:39
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ccsidiotphp is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file09:40
ccsidiotIn the wrong directotry09:41
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ccsidiotI see a list of [PHP Modules]09:42
ccsidiotand Ingres is not on it09:42
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grantcwhat about "echo "<?php ini_get('extension_dir'); ?>" | php09:50
ccsidiotand I have php_ingres.dll inside that directory09:52
Dejandid you edit php.ini ?09:53
ccsidiotI have extension_dir=C:\php\ext and this line extension=php_ingres.dll09:54
Dejanthan you must have ingres in the list of modules...09:54
ccsidiotBut it's not :(09:54
Dejantry to use absolute path09:54
ccsidiotin extension_dir?09:55
ccsidiotThat's already an absolute path09:55
ccsidiotisn't it?09:55
ccsidiotor absolute path of something else?09:55
Dejanabsolute path would be something like this in php.ini09:56
ccsidiotOkay, let me try09:57
grantcthe path is relative to the extension dir setting09:58
grantcyou can use either unix or windows dir separators09:59
ccsidiotOkay, I tried extension=C:\php\ext\php_ingres.dll and restarted Apache, ran this command: C:\php\php.exe -m | grep ingres, gives me nothing10:00
grantcand the command C:\php\php.exe gives no errors¿10:01
Dejandoes it list other modules?10:01
ccsidiotYes, no errors10:02
ccsidiotYes, it lists other modules10:02
grantcon windows it will as there are many static modules10:02
ccsidiotlike SimpleXML, zip, zlib10:02
Dejankhm, try to add C:\php\ext into the path10:02
Dejanor hell, it could be that you do not have ingres libraries10:02
ccsidiotI do @@10:02
grantcdo you have PHPRC defined?10:02
Dejando you have libs in the path?10:02
ccsidiothave php_ingres.dll in C:\php\ext10:03
grantcDejan:  adding the ext dir to the path is not needed10:03
Dejangrantc: Ingres libraries10:03
grantcthen she would get erros10:03
ccsidiotGrant: What does PHPRC refer to?10:04
Dejanmaybe something in php.ini prevents from showing errors for modules that could not be loaded10:04
grantcit can be used to override the location of the php.ini file10:04
grantci believe it's a windows only setting10:04
Dejanit could be that she has php.ini10:04
Dejanin windows directory10:04
Dejani think that is the prefered place10:04
Dejani do not remember10:05
Dejani do not use php on windows that often10:05
grantcif you have used the standard php installer the ini file is in \windows as Dejan just said10:05
grantcwhat does  "\php\php.exe -i | grep php.ini" give?10:05
ccsidiotIt gives "Configuration File(php.ini) Path => C:\WINDOWS"10:06
Dejanthat is it!10:06
Dejanwe nailed the problem :D10:07
ccsidiot:D I don't quite understand though10:07
Dejancopy C:/php/php.ini into C:/Windows/10:07
Dejanand that is all10:07
Dejanor better edit C:/Windows/php.ini10:08
Dejan(i would do that actually10:08
grantcor what do you see with "\php\php.exe -c php.ini -m"10:08
Dejanthat should work10:08
Dejanor give error in case ingres dlls are not found...10:09
ccsidiotGrant: It give me a list of PHP Modules, that does not have Ingres on it. Dejan: Let me try your way10:09
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ccsidiotGrant, Dejan: Yay :) I copied the php.ini to C:\WINDOWS, and now when I do \php\php.exe -m it gives me erro10:14
ccsidiot:D Hurray, error!10:15
grantcand the error is?10:15
ccsidiotThe error says PHP Warning: PHP Startup: ingres: Unable to initialize module10:15
ccsidiotModule compiled with module API=20090626, debug=0, thread-safety=110:16
ccsidiotPHP compiled with module API=20071006, debug=0, thread-safety=110:16
grantcand the values for PHP?10:16
grantcwhich version of PHP do you have?10:16
ccsidiotPHP 5.310:17
grantcnope not with that api version10:17
grantcphp -v10:17
Dejanccsidiot: that is good10:17
* grantc thinks php on windows sucks10:17
Dejanthat means that you do not have ingres dlls in the parth10:18
grantcno it does not - the dll was built for php 5.3 and ccsidiot has an earlier version not 5.310:18
grantcthere is a sanity check in php that makes sure the APIs are compatible10:18
grantci guess it's 5.2.x10:18
DejanC:\Users\dejan>php -ver10:19
DejanPHP 5.3.0 (cli) (built: Jun 29 2009 21:55:01)10:19
ccsidiotphp -v gives me: A few lines with those warning that the ingres module is unable to initialized, then follow by PHP 5.3.0alpha3-dev (cli) built:Sep 25 2008 11:02:1410:19
Dejanthat is what i have10:19
Dejanand ingres works like a charm10:19
Dejani had to install it because of netbeans10:19
Dejanso i can run PHP scripts and debug them directly here on windows workstation10:20
grantcthe dll was built using the final release of PHP not an alpha release10:20
grantci guess they've changed the API level10:20
ccsidiotOkay, let me go back and grab that version of PHP10:21
ccsidiotSince those guys from PHP told me not to install PHP 6 since it's still buggy, and I grab off the 5.3 latest one10:22
ccsidiotApparently I didn't know it's alpha10:22
ii_logccsidiot: Error: "@" is not a valid command.10:22
grantcphp 6 is not even a twinkle in anyone's eyes it's at least 1-2 years away from release10:24
ccsidiotTime to go class :( Dejan, Grant: Thanks so much !!! Let me try and let you guys know about the result as soon as I can10:24
grantcno problem - i am outta here time to buy another replacement hard disk :(10:25
Dejanccsidiot: good luck :)10:27
Dejanccsidiot: it 5.3.0 works for me10:27
Dejanthen it will work for you10:27
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