Thursday, 2009-10-29

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GerhardHi all02:59
Vroomfondlegrantc: you about?02:59
grantchi Vroomfondle03:00
grantchi Gerhard03:00
VroomfondleI'm seeing: PHP Warning:  ingres_query() [<a href='function.ingres-query'>function.ingres-query</a>]: ii_success : Server or API error - no error message available, status 803:00
grantcthat's not good03:00
VroomfondleI suspected not03:00
grantcis it something you can reproduce simply¿03:01
VroomfondleI think I've just found the problem.03:02
Vroomfondlewell, the cause03:02
Vroomfondleif I send a parameterised query, I get that message03:03
Vroomfondleif I just interpolate the params into the SQL string myself and don't send them to ingres_query, the problem goes away03:03
Vroomfondledo parameterised queries work at all with Ingres 2.6?03:03
Vroomfondle(we're moving to 9.2 ASAP, so if it's just an incompatibility then I can wait)03:04
grantcif you can email the help table/create table def and the select to i'll take a look03:05
Vroomfondleok, I'll see what I can do03:06
grantcthe param queries should work with 2.6, although i've not tested that release03:06
grantcit could be a problem with the DESCRIBE code03:06
grantcanother quick test would be to do "ingres_unbuffered_query"03:06
Vroomfondlewe don't seem to have ingres_unbuffered_query03:08
VroomfondleI think we've got a slightly old ver of the driver03:08
grantcwhich release do you have?03:09
grantcsee for the list of changes you are missing, lots...03:10
VroomfondleIngres Extension Version => 2.0.003:10
Vroomfondleyeah, I know03:10
VroomfondleI've asked our admin to install the latest version03:10
Vroomfondlebut it'll probably take him ages to get around to it :/03:10
grantci would *strongly* recommend you upgrade 2.1 has performance fixes03:11
Vroomfondlegrantc: sent03:20
grantcok, i'll try an look at it later on today.03:22
Vroomfondlek. I just tried a simpler SQL and it still failed; have sent that to you to make things easier for you03:23
grantcit could be the null values causing problems03:23
Vroomfondlewell, they should be blank strings rather than actual nulls (though I forget if PHP actually differentiates between the two)03:24
Vroomfondleas they originally come from POST03:24
grantcit will be a PHP string not a NULL - i have a feeling there is a fix in SVN for this03:25
Vroomfondleyes - changing them to single spaces works03:29
grantc contains the fix03:30
Vroomfondleany idea when that's likely to hit PECL?03:31
VroomfondleI'll have a hard time convincing my boss & our admins to recompile the module from a TGZ03:32
grantci need to run the code through the test suite and do a build for all platforms03:32
grantcunless there is a problem it will be the same TGZ file that will be uploaded to pecl03:32
grantcalso wget - would also download the same file03:35
grantcwhen it gets uploaded... so I am not sure what the problem is. If you'd rather I send you the file via email from my address so it's "more official" rather than  it being downloaded from some anon url :)03:36
grantcor you can download it through SVN03:37
Vroomfondlewell, is running it through the test suite just a formality?03:38
Vroomfondlebasically there's no way my boss is going to let me run a driver on our server unless it's been confirmed as working03:39
Vroomfondleactually, perhaps I can just ask to have it installed on our test server for now03:41
Vroomfondlemy code won't be ready for a month or so anyway...03:41
* Vroomfondle speaks to his boss, and gains agreement to put the new version on the test server03:46
Vroomfondlethanks, grantc03:46
grantcno problem - i'm looking at the test suite now and the 3 tests for that bug fail in the test suite but run ok in isolation...03:47
grantcsomething is screwed up03:47
* grantc goes back to ruby03:47
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grantchi atrofast04:14
atrofastHi grantc04:16
grantci see your students are having fun with drupal on windows04:17
atrofastYeah, which is one area I haven't tinkered with much04:18
atrofastThanks for helping out on the mailing list04:19
grantcperhaps you or eva could add a section for Windows steps?04:19
grantcI need to do a write up for Ingres on Windows with IIS and Apache but it's not on my priority list right now04:19
atrofastGood idea, I'm a bit Linux centric, didn't think anyone would want to set up Drupal on Windows :P04:21
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ccsidiotHey, I have just noticed after changing the variables listed under Configuring Apache and Ingres of the Drupal on Ingres documentation09:25
ccsidiotMy IngresIJ instance is not started up properly09:26
ccsidiotThe primary Transaction Log09:26
ccsidiothas a dark green circle and the Dual Transaction Log does not even have a circle09:27
ccsidiotAnd the tooltip near the bottom right says that "Ingres[IJ] Started > default count"09:28
ccsidiotIs that normal?09:28
DarylMIs that different than before?  (Green normally is good.  I am not sure if there are "shades" of green.....)09:28
ccsidiotYes, it is different than before09:29
ccsidiotIt used to have a shocking green colour09:29
ccsidiotbefore I configure those values09:29
ccsidiotNow it started up as a dark green colour09:30
grantcdark green means there is something running which is not configured to run09:30
grantcnot a problem in itself09:30
DarylMI am not sure the primary transaction log would ever NOT be configured to run.... ;-)09:31
grantcDarylM: I have an Ingres gem to play with if you are feeling brave09:31
grantcindeed - i have never liked IVM09:32
DarylMI am very brave09:32
DarylMSadly, since I have not really had an opportunity to read the Drupal documentation, I can't predict what types of problems might occur making the recommended changes.09:33
grantci guess the gem won't build on OS X  :)09:33
DarylMI have a Linux server09:34
ccsidiotI'm blogging my progress and stuffs to watch out for when install all these on windows on my blog09:34
ccsidiotAnd I'll definitely compile a complete list when we've gone through all these configurations09:35
grantcccsidiot: feel free to update the wiki page, i am sure atrofast won't mind09:35
ccsidiotI have also emailed him personally, we've been talking about this too :)09:36
ccsidiotSo back to my question, sounds like it should give me a shocking green light09:38
ccsidiotAre changing those values significant in configuring Apache with Ingres? I think the path variables and all those matters more right?09:39
ccsidiotAre those variables only for performance?09:39
atrofastSome config values have to be updated in Ingres for Drupal to work properly09:39
atrofastSpecifically the cursor limit, and system max locks09:40
grantccan you paste your ingres\files\errlog.log to http://ingres.pastebin.com09:40
ccsidiotOh, I see :), okay, let me check the errlog09:40
ccsidiotMy log for yesterday is really long though09:49
ccsidiotOops, I mean today09:52
grantcthat looks ok - i guess it's IVM which has got confused09:54
ccsidiotWhat's IVM? :(09:54
ccsidiotThe ingres vertual Machine?09:54
grantcIngres Visual Manager - the green icon in your task bar09:55
ccsidiotOh, I see09:55
grantcDarylM: can you see
ccsidiotOkay :)09:55
grantccan you download the diff and apply it to your OS X box09:56
grantci want to make sure it works ok since I don't have access any more to Ingres on OS X09:57
DarylMyea, I'll have to resync to svn.09:57
DarylMI keep both a 32 bit svn build and a 64 bit svn build up to date as well as the driver respository09:57
grantchow do you build ingres in 32 bit mode on SL?09:58
DarylMnothing special, it just builds.  I worked with J to get the porting stuff right.09:59
DarylMThere is a new tag in the VERS file which switches the build to 64bit mode10:00
DarylMingres.gem worked fine on Linux but as expected it didn't build on OS/X.  Unfortunately the "gem install" command gives little information for diagnosis.10:01
grantcit's missing the extern and the librt change..10:02
grantchow did you get around
grantcoops i meant
DarylMdon't recall seeing that.  Let me check on it.10:06
DarylMNo error here.  Not sure.10:08
DarylMI am relatively sure I have not modified my 32 bit build tree but as I am a bit (lot) of a hack I can't be sure without checking :-)10:09
grantchmm ok :)10:09
grantci'm doing an update now so we'll see10:09
DarylM10.6.1 (Darwin Kernel Version 10.0.0: Fri Jul 31 22:47:34 PDT 2009)10:10
DarylMTo quote one of my favorite characters:   "Fascinating"10:11
DarylMyuck.  All that _SIZE_ stuff is in compat.h   I hate that file. Humans can't be expected to read all those nested ifdefs10:13
* DarylM is getting hungry. That Irish pub down the street is looking very nice10:14
ccsidiotGrant: I forgot which option that I've picked (as a web service/locally),10:22
ccsidiotfor apache10:22
ccsidiotso I have tried also to run from command line to start apache from there10:22
grantcin the task manager you can see what user apache is running as - if it's system then its as a service10:24
ccsidiotI see10:28
ccsidiotIt's running locally10:28
ccsidiotHow do I start apache from this command prompt? - cmd /k C:\Program Files\Ingres\IngresIJ\bin\setingenvs.bat10:34
grantci guess you can run the apache binary, httpd.exe10:41
grantcfrom wherever it's installed10:41
bonsaikittenbarbaric! :)10:42
ccsidiotThanks! I'll continue 1 hour later :)10:51
* grantc is away: slopes off11:05
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ccsidiotHi guys, for configuring apache with Ingres, my phpinfo is bringing up the correct values for II_SYSTEM and path under environment section of additional modules, and I start off the apache instance httpd.exe from this command window "cmd /k C:\Program Files\Ingres\IngresIJ\bin\setingenvs.bat"12:34
ccsidiotAt this step, I tried the drupal installation from http://localhost:8080/drupal-6.14/install.php, at the database part, it's stucked12:35
ccsidiotIt's stucked at database configuration12:38
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monda07I had to try out the SeaMonkey IRC chat tool (ChatZilla) :-)13:57
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