Friday, 2009-10-30

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ccsidiotHey guys, I have now got Apache 2.2 running as a service and trying to get it talking to Ingres, here is what I did,
ccsidiotWhen I ran the code here:
ccsidiotIt says couldn't connect07:31
GerhardAre you running the apache service as a specific user or as system account?07:34
ccsidiotSystem account07:34
ccsidiotand when I do select name, password from iiuser \g, I can see the username SYSTEM in the database07:35
Gerhardyou mean, in iidbdb?07:37
ccsidiotI first do sql iidbdb07:37
ccsidiotthen that line above07:37
Gerhardso the user is known to your installation....07:37
Gerhardsure that "system" is correct...? Maybe "localsystem"...?07:38
ccsidiotYes, system is correct07:38
GerhardAnything in errlog.log? Like "...unknown user..." or something like that?07:38
ccsidiotIt has this error message here:
ccsidiotsome iso file is missing07:41
GerhardThe DB you want to connect to, is "drupal", right?07:42
ccsidiotOops.. ico07:42
ccsidiotand I have do: createdb drupal before I log into iidbdb07:42
GerhardI think, the favicon.ico message is a separate problem...07:43
GerhardI think you should....07:45
Gerhardisql iidbdb07:45
GerhardGRANT access ON DATABASE drupal to system;commit;07:45
Gerhard-> F9 -> F10 -> F1007:45
ccsidiotExecuted, restarted apache, could not connect, error.log says :
GerhardWho's the owner of the DB drupal? ingres?07:50
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ccsidiotI don't think so, I login to my windows account using my own user name and created that db07:52
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GerhardWho's the owner of your drupal DB?07:56
ccsidiotI'm trying to figure out the way how to check this07:56
GerhardMaybe you should let run Apache service as that user?07:56
Gerhardas which user were you logged in when running "createdb drupal"?07:57
ccsidiotThe owner of the drupal db is for sure my windows username, since I createdb drupal under this windows user name07:57
ccsidiotand the user name for Apache is system.. Humm07:57
GerhardCould you try to run Apache as that user?07:57
GerhardI mean your Windows user...07:58
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ccsidiotThat option is picked back at the time the installer prompts me08:00
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Gerhardcould you try with different user?08:02
ccsidiotI'm trying to find a way how to do this08:02
ccsidiotI'm now changing the properties in "Computer Management", argh I hate how they are not consistent with the name system08:07
ccsidiotWhen I open up "Task Manager", it shows me that httpd.exe is running as system08:07
ccsidiotand then I go to "Computer Management" and see that it's actually "Local System"08:08
Gerhard--> start --> run --> services.msc08:08
ccsidiotYea, I'm at there08:08
Gerhardsearch your Apache service and than --> right click --> properties08:08
ccsidiotTrying to change how Apache2.2 is Log On at start08:08
ccsidiotI'm at there too08:08
ccsidiotShould I select "This account"?08:09
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Gerhard"this account" sounds good08:09
ccsidiotYea, I clicked that and type system, and it forcefully change that to .\system :(08:11
ccsidiotwhen I confirm08:11
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GerhardWhy "system"? Is your Windows user "system"?08:12
GerhardBTW, it's normal that Windows adds a .\ here...08:13
Gerhard...that just means your using a local user and not a domain user08:13
GerhardBTW, did you use separate installers for Ingres and Apache or the integrated EasyIngres package?08:15
ccsidiotno, since the system's default name in database is "system"08:16
ccsidiotI install them separately :( I didn't know there's such a thing as EasyIngres08:16
grantcEasyIngres gives you PHP and Ingres and Apache all configured in a single bundle08:22
grantcIt gives you what you have now08:22
ccsidiot:( The UCOSP students didn't know about this... but it's good since I understand more about the bigger picture08:23
ccsidiotSo how can I make Windows not adding that .\ ?08:32
ccsidiotI've come this far and don't want to destroy everything I did and just go EasyIngres :(08:32
grantci don't think you need to add the .\ to the user name in ingres08:34
grantcat least when I have setup ingres on windows with php i have never added the username with .\08:34
grantcI also have run apache under the "Local System" account08:36
ccsidiotGrant: Oh, and it gives you no problem?08:37
grantcproviding system is an ingres user and has the "security admin" privilege08:37
grantcit gives me other problems but that's windows08:37
ccsidiotYea, just now Gerhard also asked me to do this :  GRANT access ON DATABASE drupal to system;commit;08:38
grantcsurely that's not needed unless the database has be created private08:38
grantcby default all ingres databases have public access, providing your username is valid you get access to the database08:39
grantcwhether you have access to the tables is another matter08:39
ccsidiotYup, I also got the last point when I was playing around with the database08:40
grantcBefore you try and diagnose why drupal is not working you should write some simple php code that connects to the database and executes a select against a table08:41
grantca good db to use is demodb08:42
grantcand a query like "select up_first, up_last from user_profile" will give you some output08:42
grantcsee for complete code snippets08:43
ccsidiot That is the code that I sent Gerard just now08:43
ccsidiotThat I ran to test the connection08:43
grantcand that works? i'd be surprised as you need to supply  a password08:43
ccsidiotIt doesn't work08:43
ccsidiotit dies and output Could not connect08:44
grantceither you supply just a database name or  that + user/pass08:44
ccsidiotso we are suspecting there are something wrong with either the database drupal itself or my username08:44
ccsidiotHum, when I take the "" for the password param off, no news08:47
grantcwhat about if you just send the dbname and that's it08:47
ccsidiotOH! It says connected successfully08:48
ccsidiotARGH :)!! Thanks so much Grant and Gerard!08:49
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ccsidiotNow move on why the query there is not executing08:51
grantcwhich database?08:52
ccsidiotQuery: Select name from iiuser08:52
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grantcthat can only be done against the database iidbdb08:56
ccsidiotOh I see :)08:56
ccsidiotNow I understand why Drupal couldn't connect to Ingres, can it be possibly it asks for username and password for that database when it tries to connect?09:11
ccsidiotLike I just did09:11
ccsidiotIs there a way to change that in Drupal?09:11
ccsidiotSince by default, the way how Drupal configure a database is to ask for the username and password for a database09:23
grantcit is possible to provide a username/password to drupal09:29
grantcdoes your useraccount not have a password?09:29
ccsidiotYea, it doesn't have a password09:30
ccsidiotBut drupal is not yet prompting me for the username and password09:30
ccsidiotit's still stuck here09:31
ccsidiotDatabase configuration09:31
ccsidiotYour web server does not appear to support any common database types.09:31
atrofastccsidiot: What does your httpd.log say when you start Apache up? Does it say something about module couldn't be loaded?09:38
ccsidiotFor today, no09:41
ccsidiotTime for me to prepare for class =(09:42
atrofastccsidiot: When will you get back?09:48
grantcccsidiot, for ingres you will need to assign an operating system password09:51
grantceither that or create another account that has a password09:51
ccsidiotaround 6pm today =( I have meeting for my other assignment groups09:51
ccsidiotBut I guess 6pm, you guys will be off work09:52
grantcme - for sure and I am not back till tues09:54
atrofastI'll probably be off then too that's around dinner time here09:54
ccsidiot:( I'll try to play around with the username/password and stuffs, THANKS SO MUCh EVERYONE and plus rossand: the UCOSP students need to submit the marking scheme today, and Evan will send me details and finialize that soon, and then send the compiled version for you to see if it's okay or not09:57
rossandccsidiot: Thanks. Yes, please do send me a copy before turning it in/finalizing.09:58
rossandI wouldn't mind seeing a draft asap.09:58
ccsidiotReally need to go09:59
rossandsee you09:59
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pitschihi anybody there?10:54
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ccsidiotHi rossand, what is going to be asscessed for the group of UCOSP students as a whole?16:48
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ccsidiotHi pitschi22:05
ccsidiotSorry, wrong message22:06
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