Monday, 2009-11-16

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atrofastIs anyone familiar with the format of the transaction logs in Ingres? I know that each page starts with a log page header but I'm not quite sure what it looks like05:16
atrofastThe log header (absolute first page) is a struct that I've found, the actual log records have structs that you can look at but I cannot find a struct or anything similar for log page headers05:23
atrofastIt's supposed to have address of last writte npage, a checksum, page number stuff like that but I can't find in which order and what format05:23
grantcAlison might know05:23
grantcor Karl05:24
atrofastThanks grantc I guess I'll send off an emial05:24
grantctoumi01 would probably know but he's not online yet05:25
Mudgrantc: got my application running \o/05:25
Mudits importing data from all the ingres DB's (7 dif :X) and puts it in 1 Mysql table with a status and some calculations :D05:26
Mudits running smooth for 18k+ rows05:26
grantceh MySQL?05:26
MudOur intranet runs on Mysql05:26
* grantc pretends he did not hear that05:26
Mudgrantc: we dont control the ingres DB's eh :) they are ownt by our car importer05:27
Mud+ every application on our intranet has a db on a mysql server :o05:28
grantcfair enough - i had assumed you were importing them into a local Ingres instance05:28
Mudgrantc: no no :)05:28
Mudmysql <3 :P05:28
Mudbut thats personal :D05:28
atrofastHehe, wars have been started by less than that Mud :)05:29
grantcatrofast, i've got svnsync going05:30
Mudgrantc: its funny btw, we have also some applications that use Mssql as database, but also Progress DB and for our intranet we have Mysql :')05:30
Mudand our main app use a Ingres DB :X05:30
grantci guess it keeps your DBA busy ;)05:30
Mudye :P05:30
MudI hate progress DB btw05:31
Muda few weeks a go the head finance dir, called me to copy to the database to a test DB05:32
Mudand i couldnt05:32
Mudguess what: I had to create extra files on the local hdd, and I had to add line a config :X05:32
Mudhow stupid is that!05:33
Mudeach DB use a own config that contains what files the db's should use (db files) :X05:33
Mudso when you do a import from a 1 GB db to a 100 MB db, thats goes wrong :')05:34
Mudalso : when you say in your config that you use 7x 100MB files and the DB goes over the 700MB, it stops working :X05:37
atrofastWow that sounds clunky05:40
* atrofast never used Progress DB05:41
paulm05is it like a tablespace - fixed size?05:41
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grantci have a n00b DBA question - how do you control the size of the journal files05:48
grantcIIRC there is/was a param that can be tweeked in cbf but i cannot see it05:48
paulm05archiver_refresh IIRC05:48
grantcdoes it take decimal values?05:49
paulm05yes it should do05:49
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grantcCBF disagres05:50
* paulm05 checks - nope that didn't work05:50
grantci know the archiver interval params allow for it... oh well05:50
paulm05if you edit config.dat directly I think it will use the decimal value05:50
* grantc breaks out vim05:51
grantcwell ingres started...05:52
paulm05you testing incremental rollforward or something?05:52
grantcpaulm05, i might need to pick your brains later on regarding moving ckps about05:52
grantcperhaps :)05:52
paulm05never actually tried it myself - but there's always time to learn :)05:53
grantci'm investigating methods to improve the backup of {bugs,lxr,inspect}.ingres.com05:53
grantcditto til this morning05:53
grantci think i have it working05:54
paulm05btw - thanks for installing the IRC bouncer05:54
grantcright now the problem is the large jnl files05:54
grantcno problem05:54
* grantc wanders off to sort out lunch05:54
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Mud[14:41:52] <paulm05> is it like a tablespace - fixed size? << I guess so05:56
Mud[14:40:47] <atrofast> Wow that sounds clunky << clunky?05:56
atrofastAwkward, hard to use etc?05:58
MudI know how to start and a stop a Postgress DB06:00
Mudthats al xD06:00
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siman01one of my friends has an embarrising problem with the windows alfresco bundle - the bundles copy of ingres can't be removed, when ever he tries it is silently reinstalled - I've never seen anything like it - anyone got any ideas06:51
paulm05any particular error or message?06:52
siman01no errors - about 20 seconds after deleting the ingres directory an msi starts up and reinstalls it, it is not interactive but does flash a window on the screen very briefly06:54
siman01hes uninstalled the alfresco bundle from control pannel - that stays uninstalled - but ingres keeps coming back06:56
siman01its pretty funny06:56
paulm05that's bizarre06:57
paulm05never heard of magically re-installing software before06:57
siman01i've suggested he searches his drives for an msi over 40megs - but I've no idea what it kicking the install off - there must be some kind of watchdog on the directory07:02
paulm05is it the whole of Ingres or just a component? I know Windows has a method of replacing missing system DLLs - if it's re-installing the .Net component or ODBC driver it could be that I suppose07:03
siman01its a full reinstall of ingres, which was bundled with alfresco - alfresco has been uninstalled07:06
paulm05don't know the alfresco bundle well enough - check the event log for clues perhaps?07:10
grantcsiman01, i've had this problem with 9.1.107:34
siman01he found the msi and a cad file in the temp directory of the user ("alfresco") he used to install the bundle07:34
grantci caused it to occur by moving II_SYSTEM and something happened to see me do it and i had the cycle of Windows Installer Dialog boxes you see07:35
siman01deleted those - now the phantom installer is stuck in an infinite loop of complaining it can't find the file then retrying07:35
siman01how did you get rid?07:35
grantci think i re-installed Ingres07:35
siman01I'd like to know what the "somethings" is07:36
paulm05is there still an Ingres Service trying to start?07:38
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Traveler4hi, I was wondering what common practice is for designing a web database with administrators if you're not using a framework07:48
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paulm05siman01: how is he uninstalling? is he using Windows Add/Remove or is he running the Ingres Uninstall menu item? or some other method?07:58
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siman01paulm05: there is no add/remove item and there was no uninstall option in the start menu, the hundled installer seems to be different from the normal windows installer08:07
paulm05I had asked my colleague if he'd ever seen anything like it and that was what he asked. Also since Grant has seen similar behaviour with 9.1.1 that suggests it's not a bundle problem per se08:10
grantcpaulm05, what's the best way to re-use a checkpoint on another machine (assume offline and the secondary machine is setup with the same locations)08:14
paulm05copy it over and rollforward?08:17
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paulm05main thing is to have the same locations, in the same order, as the source08:19
grantcand the cnf files?08:22
grantcfile copied to data + dmp?08:23
paulm05ok - you need the cnf file from root data08:23
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paulm05you need the aaaaaaaa.cnf from dmp, and the cXXXXXXX.dmp if you're not copying the most recent ckp08:24
paulm05rollforwarddb '#cN' mydb looks for the c00000N.dmp file rather than aaaaaaaa.cnf08:25
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grantchmm ok08:28
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ccsidiot_Hi guys, I'm currently working my way to compile Geospatial, at the stage of getting the libraries for mapserver08:45
ccsidiot_there's a flag described namely regex08:45
ccsidiot_is that also something that I need to get?08:46
ccsidiot_I'm following this document about mapserver and it's not on the list of libraries
atrofastccsidiot_ You don't need to compile mapserver to make Ingres compile, you only need GEOS08:50
ccsidiot_Oh, not even gdal?08:50
atrofastThat wiki is about setting up a mapserver demo running on Ingres but parts of it apply to just compiling Ingres08:51
atrofastNot really no08:51
ccsidiot_Oh :(08:51
ccsidiot_Thanks for letting me know before I go further08:51
ccsidiot_So I have GEOS, and then I can go
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grantcpaulm05, it would appear you need the dmp files and lst file in dmp to recover an offline ckp09:03
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ccsidiot_I'm lost in how to build code09:06
paulm055 is the latest ckp yes?09:06
paulm05that makes sense09:09
grantci assumed that dmp was not needed for an offline rollfwd09:10
paulm05me too - but thinking about it, things could have changed. aaaaaaaa.cnf will be the 'up-to-date' cnf file, c000000N.dmp is the copy as of the time of ckp #N, in theory you could have added or removed locations to the database in the meantime09:13
paulm05my guess is it will check cnf, find the most recent ckpy # and get that dmp file09:13
paulm05In the past I've copied the cnf file to the relevant dmp to make it work I think. So long as there's no journals or dump files involved it shouldn't matter09:14
grantcwith 9.2 it appears to be needed09:18
paulm05I don't think that's changed09:20
paulm05I just forgot ;)09:20
grantcin that case it's been a long time since i've hacked cnf files and moved ckp files about09:23
grantcIngres 2.0 perhaps?09:23
paulm05if I'm right about it being to do with adding/removing locations it might be when extenddb was added (2.5?)09:26
ccsidiot_I have my environment variables set like this: and I have my GEOS make and installed, but I'm getting this error log for my, which is the same of what I get before the installing of GEOS, is that because the does not recognise the path to GEOS?09:27
paulm05looks like you're missing Xerces and geos_c - not sure about the later but you ought be able to get the former from your distro's package repository09:30
paulm05I've never built the Geospatial version but looking at it seems you need to install the Geos library first09:33
atrofastccsidiot_: You need to export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/path/to/geos/libs:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH09:33
atrofastAlso the script doesn't seem to pick up that you have libxerces 2.709:34
ccsidiot_I already installed the GEOS libraries09:34
atrofastSince you don't have root access you have ot set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH09:35
ccsidiot_Okay, let me try09:35
atrofastccsidiot_: Also you might have to edit buildtools/ at the very end of the file add export XERCVERS=27 (this might work)09:41
ccsidiot_Looks like that the path for me set up by my sys admin is dynamic for every session that I log onto09:50
ccsidiot_Hummmmm, let me talk to him about this, thanks :)09:50
ccsidiot_He installed xerces/jam and those things for me09:51
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ccsidiot_I'm trying to see if I configured GEOS correctly, at this line "Add this folder to your ldconfig if it's not already there:", where do I add that folder to?09:59
paulm05that was the part you'd need to be root to do, so I think you need to add it to LD_LIBRARY_PATH instead (see above)10:05
ccsidiot_so does what does non-root user do?10:08
ccsidiot_I'm not sure that (Must be root) means stuffs done below or above10:10
ccsidiot_must be root user10:10
paulm05"<atrofast> ccsidiot_: You need to export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/path/to/geos/libs:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH"10:13
ccsidiot_Oh, that's all?10:15
ccsidiot_If that is, then I've already done10:15
ccsidiot_And ran the,10:16
paulm05do you still get errors?10:16
paulm05the same errors?10:17
atrofastccsidiot_: Try adding it to the end of buildtools/ instead I can't remember if all environment variables are passed/kept properly10:18
atrofastAlong with the export XERCVERS=2710:18
ccsidiot_The xerces are still there,
ccsidiot_The geos seems gone10:20
paulm05what version of Xerces do you have installed? do you know? I think it's more likely that you *don't* have 2.7 and that's why you're getting that error.10:22
atrofastpaulm05: Good point sorry about that10:22
ccsidiot_Yea, right! My sysadmin set up 2.8 instead of 2.7 for me10:24
paulm05try setting XERCVERS=2810:24
atrofastYes but you might have to do it in I ran into the script overwriting my XERCVERS set in the enviornment10:25
ccsidiot_Sweet, let me try10:25
paulm05although - I think it can get reset - I recall changing $ING_SRC/tools/port/jam/bldenv - the line "xvers=27" when I wanted to use a later version10:26
paulm05although if you update your source tree that will get overwritten so be careful :)10:26
ccsidiot_Yay! Progress! Only 1 failed target10:31
paulm05what was that?10:32
ccsidiot_and besides, what's buildrel?10:33
paulm05buildrel packages the release, and checks it10:34
paulm05it's still failing to find geos_c - see line 27210:35
ccsidiot_Oh yea, I missed that :(10:36
paulm05did you set LD_LIBRARY_PATH on the command line or did you put it in I think if you tried the first you might need to try the second10:37
ccsidiot_I put that in set_env.sh10:37
paulm05do you have a libgeos_c file somewhere? in /usr/local/lib perhaps?10:39
paulm05something like I mean10:40
ccsidiot_I'm compiling this on school's server10:41
ccsidiot_doesn't have usr/local/lib10:41
paulm05so where did Geos get installed to?10:41
ccsidiot_but I ran a find for every accessible directories, no10:41
ccsidiot_It installed /data/g7iwwong/geos-3.2.0rc1/10:42
paulm05so there should be a libgeos_c file somewhere under there? or not?10:44
atrofastccsidiot_: Is that were the something libs are?10:44
ccsidiot_Oh, there's no underscore10:45
ccsidiot_Oh right,10:45
ccsidiot_there is10:45
ccsidiot_@@ Typo10:45
ii_log`ccsidiot_: Error: "@" is not a valid command.10:45
ccsidiot_It's under lib of geos10:45
atrofastOkay and you made LD_LIBRARY_PATH point to that directory?10:46
ccsidiot_I have this line in the end of set_env export $LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/data/g7iwwong/geos-3.2.0rc1/libs:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH10:47
paulm05should that be just "lib" not "libs"?10:47
ccsidiot_I changed that and ran again10:49
ccsidiot_error :(10:49
paulm05oh - the first $ shouldn't be on the LD_LIBRARY_PATH10:50
paulm05you want: export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/data/g7iwwong/geos-3.2.0rc1/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH10:51
ccsidiot_I have that10:51
ccsidiot_ran runbuild10:51
ccsidiot_error :(10:51
paulm05same error?10:51
ccsidiot_cannot find -lgeos_c10:52
ccsidiot_in usr/Xllr6/bin/ld10:52
ccsidiot_Why is it still looking into usr/local/bin10:53
paulm05you definitely have "export LD_LIBRARY_PATH..." and not "export $LD_LIBRARY_PATH..."?10:53
paulm05ok - sorry - just double-checking10:53
ccsidiot_:) It's okay, this is weird10:53
ccsidiot_Is there a $ for the second LD_LIBRARY_PATH?10:55
ccsidiot_for the export?10:55
paulm05must be getting unset somewhere10:55
ccsidiot_:( I'll be back 4pm, class from 2-4 :(10:56
ccsidiot_I'll be going in 5 minutes :(10:56
paulm05yes - basically you're setting the variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH to a value with the current value of LD_LIBRARY_PATH (i.e. $LD_LIBRARY_PATH) on the end10:56
ccsidiot_Yea, it will be weird if the 2nd LD_LIBRARY_PATH does not have $10:56
paulm05you could just hack bldenv again and stick it in there - that would at least get you going10:57
ccsidiot_Okay, I'll try, thanks paulm05, atrofast :), I'll let you guys know if that works later10:58
paulm05ok - I'll be going home soon - might check in later10:59
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ccsidiotI have included this exact line "export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/data/g7iwwong/geos-3.2.0rc1/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH" in both set_env and bldenv, and gives me the same error "/usr/X11R6/bin/ld: cannot find -lgeos_c"13:17
ccsidiotDoes the variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH also reset somewhere else?13:18
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SaraDanaherhi every one,17:43
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ccsidiotHey everyone, I'm running the checked out from geospatial repo with the following line added at the end of the : echo $LD_LIBRARY_PATH19:19
ccsidiotIt gives me /data/g7iwwong/geos-3.2.0rc1/lib:/data/g7iwwong/geos-3.2.0rc1/lib:/lib:/usr/lib:/usr/local/lib:/data/g7iwwong/geospatial/build/lib:/data/g7iwwong/geospatial/build/lib/lp3219:20
ccsidiotwhich means that the path is not reset as the is ran19:21
FrankWccsidiot:  are you on a 64bit system? Or 32bit?19:21
ccsidiot32 bit19:21
ccsidiotFrankW: Oh it does matter?19:21
FrankWI had some particular problems linking against geos on 64bit linux in my ingres build.19:22
FrankWI was wondering if you might be encountering similar problems.19:22
ccsidiotI'm sshing from a 32 bit machine to a server at school19:22
ccsidiotHow can I check in this case?19:22
FrankWcat /proc/cpuinfo19:22
FrankWshould give a clue.19:23
ccsidiotIt says clflush size:6419:23
FrankWWhat is the "model name"?19:23
ccsidiotIt's Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.80GHz19:24
FrankWI have one 32bit linux system handy and it report clflush size of 32, so I suspect your server is 64bit.19:24
ccsidiotOh :(19:25
FrankWthe problem I encountered in my build was that *parts* of the ingres build still required 32bit libraries, so I had to have 32bit and 64bit versions available.19:25
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FrankWIt was a significant hassle. :-(19:25
FrankWI assume you don't have much latitude with regard to what system to operate on?19:26
ccsidiotrossand and a couple of others suggest me to on Linux since there's only 1 month left for me to go and the only machine that I have is on Windows19:27
ccsidiotand figuring out stuffs on Windows apparently took Alex a week19:27
FrankWit has been my understanding that building on windows is a black art.19:28
FrankW64bit linux is unfortunately also somewhat harder than 32bit, at least for the geospatial builds.19:28
FrankWIf you would like, I could try and do a clean build on my 64bit system and we could try to work through the problems together.19:28
ccsidiotFrankW: That'd be really helpful :)19:30
FrankWHmm, my ingres skills are already rather rusty a couple months after my last (and first) build.19:31
ccsidiotI'm new to Ingres, I'm sure you know more than I do19:31
FrankWI have an old snapshot of but I recall Chuck mentioning I ought to do a clean checkout before building again.19:32
FrankWI'll start that extract - it will take me a while over my satellite link.19:32
FrankWI assume you are the Ms. Wong I was emailing with on the weekend? Or perhaps a fellow student?19:33
ccsidiotYes, I'm :)19:33
FrankWI've been impressed with your organizational ambition on the mailing list.19:33
ccsidiotThanks for your replies, double thanks to do that on a weekend19:33
ccsidiotThanks, since I really want to get started!19:34
ccsidiotLike really really to see how stuffs works19:34
FrankWWhat is your role on the project?  I've only a relatively vague idea of what you folks are up to despite a briefing by Andrew.19:34
ccsidiotMy role is just a normal team member among all, what we are supposed to archieve by the end of the term 2009-Dec-11 is described here:
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ccsidiotbut I've requested from my uni(UofT) that I want to come back to Ingres for my project course next term19:37
FrankW"Goal(s): Improve robustness and error path checking."19:38
FrankWIs that within the new geospatial code?19:38
ccsidiotYes, within geospatial19:38
FrankWsvn checkout plugging away...19:40
ccsidiotlet me do a clean checkout too then :)19:42
FrankWHave you considered working in a linux VM on your laptop?  Perhaps it has only a modest amount of memory?19:42
ccsidiotThat was op-ed out since my laptop is > 5 years old with very little RAM(1GB), running a VM on this is not good. I also thought of dual boot, but I'm living on this machine for my other courses too, so don't want to mess around it at this time of the term19:45
FrankWgotcha, I think your evaluation is correct.19:45
ccsidiotAndrew and a couple of others also suggested 1 week ago that if I happened couldn't get the quota from school, then they'll see what can they get for me, I got the 4GB quota from school and I thought that I'm fine, but now :(19:47
FrankWIn a pinch I can provide you an account on 32bit server I lease in Montreal, assuming the latency would not make it unpleasant for your use.19:48
ccsidiotOh that's going to save my life :) Thanks so much FrankW!!19:50
FrankWI see my old build tree disk usage is:19:51
FrankW3299740 server_old/19:51
FrankW3.3GB just to checkout and build does not bode terribly well on a 4GB quota.19:52
ccsidiotI'll just use that for Gepspatial. I only have 4GB quota at school I think it's gonna be the same if ever 64 bit might work19:53
FrankWDid you change anything before running ""?19:59
ccsidiotNope, other than that echo statement in the end19:59
FrankWHow did you install GEOS?20:00
ccsidiotI downloaded it, ./configure --prefix='data/blah/geos-3.2.0rc1', then make, then make install20:00
FrankWHow were you hoping ingres would find that geos?20:01
FrankWI'm seeing:20:01
FrankWLink /wrk/home/warmerda/ingres/server/tools/bin/lp32/salign20:01
FrankW/usr/bin/ld: skipping incompatible /usr/local/lib/ when searching for -lgeos_c20:01
FrankW/usr/bin/ld: skipping incompatible /usr/local/lib/libgeos_c.a when searching for -lgeos_c20:01
FrankW/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lgeos_c20:01
FrankWin my log file after a first failed build.20:01
FrankWIs this similar to what you see?20:01
ccsidiotYes, my build can't find GEOS like this20:03
ccsidiotLink /data/g7iwwong/geospatial/build/bin/ercompile20:03
ccsidiot=>/usr/X11R6/bin/ld: cannot find -lgeos_c20:03
ccsidiotand the are lying in the directory20:04
FrankWLying in what directory?20:04
FrankWI assume you installed geos into a directory on your local account.  How was ingres supposed to find it there?20:05
ccsidiotOh right! The geos-3.2.0rc1 :)20:05
ccsidiotArgh, how can I overlook this20:05
ccsidiotLet me try changing the path20:06
FrankWMy system setup looks in /usr/local/lib so I'm finding the 64bit version but at a point where 32bit tools are being built.20:06
FrankWHence the messages.20:07
ccsidiotwait... I have this in the path export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/data/g7iwwong/geos-3.2.0rc1/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH20:07
FrankWI haven't quite worked out how we are expected to tell the ingres build where stuff is if it is not in a system directory.20:07
ccsidiotwhich is where the stuffs are20:07
FrankWI do not believe that LD_LIBRARY_PATH affects linking with ld, it only affects finding the .so files at runtime.20:07
FrankWI kind of hoped that buildtools/ would be a good place to configure special needs but it doesn't seem to be.20:08
ccsidiotI also add that same line to bldevn20:09
FrankWgotcha, src/tools/port/jam/bldenv20:10
ccsidiotwhich apparently also modify the same variable, just in case that it got reset20:10
FrankWHmm, no mention of geos in that file.20:10
FrankWI vaguely recall having to change something else last time.20:11
FrankWI should have taken notes.20:11
FrankWwe really need somewhere we can set -L linker directives.20:12
FrankWBut I don't think bldenv is that place.20:12
ccsidiotNo problem :), does it help if I try to do grep -iR LD_LIBRARY_PATH in all files where I checked out the geospatial code? That's what I ran before I headed off to class from 6-9pm20:13
FrankWI was grepping on geos to find where the link directive is.20:13
ccsidiotCool :)20:13
FrankWI do not believe LD_LIBRARY_PATH is directly related to link time.20:13
FrankWunfortunately I soon hit:20:14
FrankWwarmerda@gdal64[63]% grep geos */*/*/*20:14
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FrankWIt does not appear all the files are in the same places.  Grr.20:19
FrankWsrc/tools/port/shell_unix/ seems to be the new location.20:22
FrankWHmm, my change in does not seem to be helping.  I suspect I need to do some sort of clean process before rerunning runbuild.sh20:28
FrankWBut I'm not sure what.20:28
FrankWAh, clean20:30
FrankWNot so tricky after all.20:30
ccsidiotOh :)20:31
FrankWIt is still issuing the command:20:32
FrankWcc -m32 -rdynamic -Wl,-rpath,'$ORIGIN/../../lib/lp32' -lpthread -lrt -lm -lc -lcrypt -ldl -lgcc_s -lgeos_c -o /wrk/home/warmerda/ingres/server/tools/bin/lp32/salign  /wrk/home/warmerda/ingres/server/src/tools/port/eval_unix_vms/lp32/salign.o20:32
FrankWWhile I have manually modified to insert a -L ahead of the -lgeos_c20:32
FrankWSo I'm missing something here.20:32
FrankWsrc/tools/port/jam/Jamdefs.hyb86_lnx seems to be the file on my system.20:35
FrankWDo you have that on your 64bit server?  Does it have geos_c in it?20:36
FrankWI changed the LDLIBMACH32 line to:20:36
ccsidiotI'm trying to follow20:36
FrankWLDLIBMACH32 = -lpthread -lrt -lm -lc -lcrypt -ldl -lgcc_s -L/usr/local/32bit/lib -lgeos_c ;20:36
ccsidiotIf I have not misunderstood, so the cc -m32 blah is the configurations for 32 bit20:37
FrankWThat was the command actually used to try and link one of the 32bit executables as it appeared in the build log after failure.20:38
FrankWLooking at it I could see no -L directive appeared before the -lgeos_c, though I had hoped it would.20:38
FrankWI seem to be getting further now...20:39
ccsidiotOh I see, so let me change the line on LDLIBMACH3220:39
FrankWYou will presumably need to modify both LDLIBMACH32 and LDLIBMACH64 since both your versions will be in non-standard places.20:40
FrankWI'll bundle up my 32bit geos since it will not be that easy for you to build on 64bit system.20:40
ccsidiotOh I see20:41
FrankW should have it.20:43
ccsidiotOh I thought building geospatial is only picking up GEOS only, but not GDAL and mapserver20:44
ccsidiotor am I wrong?20:44
FrankWbuilding geospatial does not depend on gdal or mapserver.20:44
FrankWBut is my personal web server.20:44
ccsidiotOh, I see :)20:44
FrankWI have had to do:20:55
ccsidiotHum, the package that I got from does not have makefile :(20:55
ccsidiotor configure20:55
FrankWmkdir src/front/embed/csq/lp32 src/front/embed/c/lp3220:55
FrankWccsidiot:  it is prebuilt 32bit binaries.20:55
FrankWJust unpack it and put it somewhere you can reference with a -L directive before the geos_c link.20:55
FrankWI suppose there will be some issue for you with finding include files as well as the libraries.20:56
FrankWSo the LDLIBMACH32 changes may not be enough.20:56
ccsidiotSo does that meant to work with only 32 or 64?20:56
FrankWThe .tar.gz file I provided is just the 32bit, but you can use your own build for the 64bit.20:57
FrankWI provided it because it can be tricky to build geos in 32bit mode on a 64bit system.20:57
ccsidiotYea, true20:57
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