Tuesday, 2009-11-17

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GerhardOn an Ingres 9.2 / Win installation I ran "usermod dbname" and "usermod dbname -online" against a rather small database...00:21
Gerhard... the first command took < 5 minutes, the second one took over 1 hour. Normal behaviour or bug?00:21
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grantcGerhard, could it be that in the second case you had a lock on one or more tables?00:42
Gerhardgrantc, definitely no locked tables, it's a rather small database just for testing purposes, a single user environment. No applications, no ISQLs running against the db.00:55
grantccan you run it again with printqry set to get timings?00:56
grantcperhaps it's just one table or all of them?00:57
GerhardIt is very slow for *each* table in the db. Each modify command appearing on the screen takes about 5 seconds...01:16
Gerhard...even for tables that cotain 0 rows.01:16
grantcand if you run the modify command manually?01:17
GerhardWithout -online flag, it will modify several tables in *one* second, the database is quite small...01:18
GerhardI may test this also with the demodb provided with Ingres, but I did not check this option during install time...01:19
Gerhard...any chance to setup the demodb later?01:19
Gerhardgrantc: manually = specifying one table explicitely?01:20
grantci meant running the "modify" SQL command on the table, which is the same as doing it offline (i guess)01:21
grantcyou can manually create the demodb using the copy.in script in ingres/demo/data01:23
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paulm05morning all01:29
paulm05hi grant - did you get your rollforward working ok?01:31
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grantcyup - i now need to understand the difference between -rollback and -norollback01:31
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paulm05other than that one doesn't rollback uncommitted transactions?01:32
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grantcalso i think -norollback leave the database in a readonly state01:33
paulm05that's true01:33
paulm05I've got an outline of incremental rollforward that I did for my chapter in the Ingres book - want me to send it to you?01:34
grantcyes please01:34
paulm05sent you an email - brief but may help01:37
grantcta - so copying an open journal will be problematic?01:37
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paulm05not so much the copying but the rollforward01:39
paulm05it will try to rollforward all the journals it sees01:40
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paulm05hmm - actually I'm not so sure now I think about it01:42
grantcperhaps i can get rsync to ignore open files01:44
grantcor rather not copy open files01:45
paulm05I've still never tried this - I'd be interested in your progress, any snags you hit etc01:46
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grantcpaulm05, from reading teh intrawebs rsync will copy a file even if it's being written to03:31
paulm05so the question is whether that would matter03:33
paulm05the rollforward -incremental must either know where it got up to last time or re-apply and not care previous journals03:33
grantcwhen i get the chance to reduce the archiver_interval/refresh on lxr i'll let you kknow03:33
paulm05so it may not matter that you have an incomplete journal file03:34
grantcsince we only append to a journal file would assume so too03:34
grantcif we don't just append... things could get interesting03:35
paulm05my only worry would be if you got an incomplete journal record at the end of the file and rollforward didn't handle it gracefully03:35
grantchttp://ingres.pastebin.com/d76ac7cc8 - it seems to be graceful so far03:37
paulm05ok cool03:39
grantcalthough it appears to apply the same transactions until there's a new journal file03:41
paulm05are you re-running it?03:43
grantcthe output from rollfwddb implies that03:44
paulm05so what - you just rsync+rollforwarddb at regular intervals?03:44
grantcat the moment it's manual and will remain that way until i better understand what's going on03:45
paulm05I guess I was wondering if you need to check/wait for a new journal file before re-running rollforwarddb03:47
paulm05looks like it only does one journal file at a time04:01
grantci.e. when it's complete/closed?04:13
paulm05no I mean that if you have 2 new journal files since the last incremental rfwd, you'd need to run it twice - I think! I'm getting this from reading the code04:14
grantcif that's what the code says then fine but I would have assumed it will process all files it's not seen if not the transactions within the files04:20
paulm05it is possible I'm reading it wrong04:23
paulm05I mentioned incremental rollforward to John Smedley as he was passing a moment ago and he was going to dig out an IUA presentation on it04:25
grantcthanks - searching my email there was a thread in june on this topic04:26
grantc@google ingres closed journals and incremental rollforwarddb04:27
ii_log`grantc: Problems with c.d.i. integration - Ingres Community Forums: <http://community.ingres.com/forum/newsgroups-mailing-lists/10852-problems-c-d-i-integration.html>; Incremental Rollforward Ingres 9.2 Michael Flower: <http://downloads.ingres.com/online/media/pdf/Ingres-DBMS/IncrementalRollforward.pdf>; Ingres Backup and Recovery: <http://downloads.ingres.com/online/media/pdf/Education- (2 more messages)04:27
grantc@google ingres "closed journals and incremental rollforwarddb"04:27
ii_log`grantc: Problems with c.d.i. integration - Ingres Community Forums: <http://community.ingres.com/forum/newsgroups-mailing-lists/10852-problems-c-d-i-integration.html>; Incremental Rollforward Ingres 9.2 Michael Flower: <http://downloads.ingres.com/online/media/pdf/Ingres-DBMS/IncrementalRollforward.pdf>; Ingres Backup and Recovery: <http://downloads.ingres.com/online/media/pdf/Education- (2 more messages)04:27
grantcmeh damn search04:28
paulm05KB doc 417507 is also useful - though it stresses the need to only copy closed journal files without really saying why04:33
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paulm05ah looks like there's now a way of checking if the journal file is closed so it should ignore open journal files unless you're on the final rollforward (i.e. the -rollback one)04:37
paulm05(from KB 417424)04:38
grantcso until you have the disaster you don't issue the -rollforward04:43
grantc-rollback even04:43
Vroomfondlegrantc: I have ingres.describe set to 1 in php.ini, but ingres_query errors whenever I try to omit the $types parameter. Do I need to do something else to make it autodetect parameter types (on 9.2)04:43
grantcVroomfondle what error do you see?04:44
VroomfondleIncorrect number of parameter types received, expected 10 got 004:45
paulm05yes grant - that's my understanding04:45
Vroomfondlewait, sorry04:46
* Vroomfondle pasted the wrong bit04:46
Vroomfondle Unsupported type, 004:46
Vroomfondlethat's the one04:46
grantchmm - pls hold04:47
VroomfondleI'm calling it with ingres_query($handle, $sql, $params);04:47
grantcpaulm05, and i guess you need to restart the process for each new ckp?04:47
VroomfondleI'm wondering if I should be using ingres_prepare and ingres_execute actually, but I'm not sure what advantage that brings04:47
grantcif you use cache_dynamic it will save the QEP generation04:49
grantcVroomfondle, how simple is the query?04:50
pborograntc, does cache_dynamic work nowadays?04:51
Vroomfondlesimple. Just a SELECT with a few params in the WHERE.04:51
grantcpboro, i believe it's better behaved now04:51
* Vroomfondle confirms that if he uses prepare/execute he still gets the error regarding types04:51
grantcit's the same underlying code :)04:51
pborograntc, ok... I'll enable it next night and if it breaks, I'll blame you ;)04:52
Vroomfondleah, hang on04:52
grantcfeel free04:52
Vroomfondleoh buggerism04:52
pborograntc, oh well, I will blame Ingres Corp. anyway ;)04:52
VroomfondleI forgot that although our main DB is on a 9.2 server, our menu DB (which gets accessed first) is on 2.6. My local instalation is 9.2. Does the query type detection rely on the local server or the remote one?04:53
Vroomfondleerm, param type04:53
grantcthe describe input feature should only work when the server is capable04:54
grantci.e. 9.1 or newer04:54
Vroomfondleyeah, but which server?04:54
pboroIt's enabled now and will activate during next night's automated restart :) I guess I will have to keep eye on it tomorrow...04:54
Vroomfondlethe local installation, or the remote installation which actually has the DB?04:54
Vroomfondle'cos I'm pointing a 9.2 install at 2.604:54
grantcyour 9.2 install is just a client in that case,04:55
grantcfor the purposes of PHP04:55
VroomfondleI see.04:55
Vroomfondleokay, so I need to wait until we've migrated our other servers04:55
grantcunless you have s separate thread/connection to a  9.2 db04:55
VroomfondleI guess I'll just stop being impatient.04:55
grantcthere are 3 conditions that must be satisfied04:56
grantcthe apiLevel / ingres.describe and "canPrepare"04:56
grantcthe one you should fail on is the first04:56
pboroahh, there's again new patch for 9.2 on 64-bit Linux... grantc, can you quickly list me bug numbers fixed between 13599 and 13606?-)04:56
pboroahaha :) I'm still dreaming of that service on the ESD that could be used to easily check which bugs has been fixed between patches X and Y :)04:57
grantcwhat are the patch numbers?04:58
pboro13599 and 1360604:58
grantc2 bugs - 122755 12285105:00
* grantc does not no why the patch notes do not show this info05:00
pboro122755 "Segmentation fault on queries involving tables with default values in a high concurrency environment", I guess that's good enough reason to update, thanks05:01
grantcno problem05:01
paulm05off to lunch - see you later05:10
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SaraDanaherHi Grant05:58
SaraDanaherare you here05:58
SaraDanahergood morning Andrew05:59
SaraDanaherdo you know what nick name is using Grant croket06:00
SaraDanaherhe sent me some instructions to add "www-data" user to Ingres06:02
SaraDanaherHere are his instructions:06:03
SaraDanaherYou cannot create a database owned by a user that has a "-". It should06:03
SaraDanaherbe enough to add the "www-data" user to Ingres as per06:03
SaraDanaherThen you would create a drupal OS and Ingres user and then the drupal06:04
SaraDanaher    createdb -udrupal drupal06:04
SaraDanaherbut u still have some problems06:04
SaraDanaherwhen i add the command createdb -udrupal drupal06:07
SaraDanaheri got erro: you must install at least one postgresql-client-version package06:09
SaraDanahercan some one help me06:09
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grantchi SaraDanaher06:24
grantcyou were looking for me?06:24
grantcif you are getting that error/message then it means you don't have ingres's createdb command in your path06:25
SaraDanaheri believe i did it06:26
grantcdo you have the environment variable II_SYSTEM defined?06:26
SaraDanaheris that process during the building ingres06:28
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grantcI believe II_SYSTEM is used as part of the build process but it's likely to be different for a final install06:40
grantci have a script that I use for setting up my ingres environment06:42
grantchttp://ingres.pastebin.com/f6aebf996 - change the value set for II_SYSTEM to the value you have for your ingres installation06:43
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SaraDanaherThanks Grant06:45
grantconce you save that file you will need to source it using ". file" or "source file"06:46
Gerhardgrantc: this morning, we talked about usermod's -online flag...07:06
GerhardI fiddled out the difference between the modify commands07:06
grantchi Gerhard, sure07:06
Gerhardonline.sql: http://ingres.pastebin.com/m579e13c307:07
Gerhardoffline.sql: http://ingres.pastebin.com/d3c8f23db07:08
grantcthe concurrent_updates flag appears to be the only difference07:08
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Gerhardand it makes modify significantly slower.07:16
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ccsidiotI double checked with my sysadmin and he said that the server that I'm on is on 32 bit, but cat /proc/cpuinfo is giving me 64, why is that?07:52
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hanje04what does uname -a return?07:53
hanje04It's possible you're running a 32bit OS on a 64bit CPU07:54
ccsidiotLinux dbsrv3 2.6.26-2-686 #1 SMP Wed Nov 4 20:45:37 UTC 2009 i686 GNU/Linux07:54
hanje04Yup, that's 32bit x8607:54
hanje04Nearly all modern x86 processor are x86_64 but they can run the x86 instruction set natively07:55
hanje04So you can install a 32bit OR 64bit OS07:55
ccsidiotOh I see, cool, which means runbuild.sh failed to pick up GEOS when the path is correctly set has nothing to do with the hardware part07:55
hanje04This also means you can run the 32bit Linux version of Ingres on the 64bit x86_64 Linux unmodified07:56
ccsidiotI have this line in the end of the runbuild.sh07:57
ccsidiotecho $LD_LIBRARY_PATH07:57
ccsidiotand it prints07:57
ccsidiotwhere my GEO libgeso_c.so stuffs are07:57
ccsidiotbut it's trying to look into /usr/local/bin07:57
ccsidiotwhile it's running runbuild.sh07:57
hanje04What's the exact error you're getting?07:58
hanje04LD_LIBRARY_PATH is a runtime variable, it doesn't influence the linker08:00
ccsidiotThe path is different from linker?08:00
hanje04You need to add -L /path/to/osgeo/libs to the link line08:00
hanje04LD_LIBRARY_PATH tell executables where to find libraries when then are running08:01
hanje04What you need to do is tell the linker where to find the osgeo library when it's linking08:01
hanje04you do this with the '-L' flag08:01
ccsidiotSo like I run the runbuild.sh with the -L, is that what you mean?08:02
hanje04Did you change anything to add -lgeos_c to the link flags?08:03
hanje04it's not included in a regular build08:03
atrofasthanje04: This is the geospatial branch and we use GEOS... I was under the impression that LD_LIBRARY_PATH was picked up by ld upon linking, is this not the case?08:06
hanje04No, it's a runtime variable08:06
hanje04It's picked up by the link loader, not the linker08:07
hanje04You need to use -L /path to tell the linker where to look08:07
ccsidiotI found this line echo "LDLIBMACH32 = $prefix32 $libs $suffix" in mkdefault.sh08:10
ccsidiotNot sure if that's the part that I'm modifying to08:11
atrofastThanks hanje04, ccsidiot I'm sorry about giving that tip, I was not aware taht LD_LIBRARY_PATH worked in that way08:11
ccsidiotatrofast: No problem :)08:11
hanje04ccsidiot: Well found!  Is that in tools/port/jam/Jamdefs.x86hybrid08:12
hanje04(or whatever it's called)08:12
hanje04oh, no. you said mkdefault.sh08:12
hanje04you shouldn't need to change mkdefault08:12
ccsidiotOh, hanje04: thanks for letting me know :)08:13
hanje04edit the Jamdefs file I mentioned above08:13
hanje04atrofast: Strictly speaking we probably need to add a variable to tell the build environment where the osgeo libraries are08:14
hanje04like we do for Xerces08:14
hanje04That way we can handle them being in a non standard location08:15
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cthiberthanje04 - Can we make this pull from an env var in the Jam file?08:22
cthibertSomething like -L $(GEOS_LOC)08:22
hanje04cthibert: Yeah, that's what I had in mind08:23
ccsidiotGreat! Progress, thanks so much hanje04 + atrofast + FrankW + anyone helped me on this08:23
hanje04In the Jamdefs file, just define it with a default value (var ?= val) so that it can be overwritten08:24
hanje04We do that in a few other places08:24
ccsidiotHumm... now maybe I changed the jamdefs.hyb86_lnx incorrectly08:29
ccsidiotsyntax error08:29
hanje04ccsidiot: show me svn diff08:31
ccsidiothanje04: here you go http://ingres.pastebin.com/d21a58eee08:33
hanje04Space is significant in Jamfiles08:34
hanje04you need a space before the final ;08:34
hanje04and you don't need the trailing / either although that shouldn't have any ill effect08:34
ccsidiotBut when I check the other lines, they also don't have a space after the final ;08:36
hanje04_before_ no after08:36
ccsidiotOops, sorry, I read that wrong08:36
cthibertHmm, putting the -rpath in there might be helpful too.08:39
cthibertI see there's a LDORIGIN variable that has an -rpath arg.  Would adding $GEOS_LOC there be the way to approach this, or in the LDLIBMACH32?08:41
ccsidiotHum, how come the same error is coming back again :(08:41
hanje04ccsidiot: Sorry, I miss it the first time I looked. The -L /dir has to come _before_ the library you are including08:43
hanje04cthibert: -rpath is a bit of a contentious issue08:44
hanje04cthibert: I'm trying to make the Ingres RPM packaging LSB compliant in an attempt to get the RPMs into the Fedora distribution. RPATH linked binaries are one of there "no nos"08:45
cthibertAh, okay.08:45
cthibertSo, just have to remember to set LD_LIBRARY_PATH before running Ingres.  Not that big a deal.08:46
hanje04cthibert: I had a discussion with Karl about this and I agree with him that using the $ORIGIN still is probably a safe soln. but until I've had a chance to discuss it with Fedora I'd rather not add any more RPATH linkages08:47
cthibertSounds good.08:47
hanje04also, $ORIGIN is only really useful if you can guarantee the library is _always_ going to be in the same relative position on every machine you run it on. I'm guessing this isn't the case for osgeo08:51
cthibertNot without root access to install.08:51
ccsidiotHum, I tried LDLIBMACH32 = -lpthread -lrt -lm -lc -lcrypt -ldl -lgcc_s -L /data/g7iwwong/geos-3.2.0rc1 -lgeos_c ;08:57
ccsidiotsame error08:57
ccsidiotI moved the LDLIBMACH32 before LDLIBPATH32 and same error08:57
ccsidiotI tried moving -L before other flags 1 at a time, same error08:58
hanje04Is the library actually in /data/g7iwwong/geos-3.2.0rc1? or is it in a 'lib' or some other sub directory?09:01
cthibertccsidiot - if you didn't do make install in geos (which I imagine you didnt't) then the libraries are in two locations actually.  In your geos-3.2.0rc1/source/libs and geos-3.2.0rc1/capi/libs09:05
ccsidiotHum, trying to put the lib after that path09:06
cthibertSorry, make those libs == .libs  So source/.libs09:06
ccsidiotIt was there, but I decided to do a clean build this morning and forgot to make install09:07
ccsidiot^^" my bad09:07
cthiberthanje04 - There's another link missing later on.  iimerge fails09:09
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cthibertThere likely is another place to add the -L to.09:10
ccsidiotYay, progress! But it's failing in some other case, another -L as suggested by cthibert?09:11
hanje04Crap. Sorry, that will require changing mkdefault.sh because it needs  to go into iisysdep09:11
hanje04I'd forgotten about the server, wasn't thinking09:12
cthibertNo worries.  We're getting there. :)09:12
ccsidiotNow the build failed on this "failed Cc /data/g7iwwong/geospatial/src/common/adf/adu/adupoint.o"09:13
hanje04changing mkdefault.sh will require a full rebuild09:13
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hanje04ccsidiot: That won't be a linking problem, what's the error?09:14
cthibertccsidiot - in parallel I'm changing these files to use environment variables.  So hopefully we'll have a flexible way for everyone to make use of this fix.09:14
ccsidiotcthibert: sounds sweet :) hanje04: The error is http://ingres.pastebin.com/d6ec5129e09:15
hanje04cthibert: Good man. The hybrid stuff may be a little more fiddly, I know Karl changed some stuff around09:15
FrankWccsidiot:  btw my claim last night that a clean can be accomplished with runbuild.sh clean was wrong - it is "runbuild.sh -c"09:15
hanje04cssidiot: Line 742, the compiler can't find the geos_c.h header. Looks like -I /geos/include/dir needs adding to the compile line09:17
cthibertRight, should have thought of that too.09:17
hanje04how long has ingres.pastbin.com been in operation. That's _really_ useful, not seen it before today09:19
pborofor more than a year :)09:20
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ccsidiotFrankW: No problem :) We are getting there. hanje04: Oh right! Hum, let me try09:24
hanje04pboro: lol :-/09:26
hanje04it amazing what you learn when you finally find an IRC client you like ;-)09:27
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ccsidiotHum, is there anything I need to watch out for when I put the -I? I tried the path where the geos_c.h is located before + after, both gave me error09:41
ccsidiotsaying geos_c.h not found09:41
cthibertThe -I will have to be added before the linker.  It's added in the cc line usually.  I'm trying to find the appropriate place for adding header file locations.09:44
cthiberthanje04 - Is Jamdefs the file for adding header locations? It has a lot of HDR* type settings.  I've tried adding a HDRGEOS= $(GEOS_INC) ; type line but that's no go.09:46
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ccsidiotYay, I tried to put the -I /path/to/geos_c.h in CCMACH32, and so far it's still building, on its way to 1000th target10:15
ccsidiot:) Looks good so far10:16
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ccsidiotHum, it failed saying the following about IILINK10:25
cthibertI've got a diff that will compile and run.10:27
cthibertIt uses $GEOS_LOC for libs, $GEOS_INC for headers and LD_LIBRARY_PATH should include the geos library path at compile and runtime.10:27
ccsidiotOh, great :)10:28
cthibertI'll email you the diff file and you can apply it as a patch, thereby getting the 'apply a patch' requirement Andrew asked for.10:28
cthibertccsidiot - You are Eva right? Just want to make sure I send the email to the right person. :)10:32
ccsidiotYes, I'm10:32
ccsidiotThanks cthibert10:32
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cthibertccsidiot - On it's way.  I'm going to grab some lunch though.  If you have questions about the patch, I'll be back in a bit.10:41
ccsidiotI got the patch :) It's so sad every day I need to go before 2pm for classes :(10:43
ccsidiotI'll follow the instructions that comes with the email and update you guys as I go10:44
ccsidiotThanks cthibert + hanje04 :)10:45
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hanje04cthibert: Jamdefs is the place for HDRGEOS11:01
hanje04but you will also need  to add it too the IISUBSYS for the directories where it's needed11:03
hanje04The include path is context sensitive11:04
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cthibertThanks hanje04, I stumbled upon it with some liberal use of grep.  Good to confirm that it's the right place and not just a place that works. ;)11:35
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atrofastFedora 12 now uses Empathy instead of Pidgin, it has crashed twice on me :P12:01
bonsaikittenatrofast: quality product as usual ;)12:02
* bonsaikitten is still not going to talk with yum. unmerging glibc is rude.12:02
atrofastI still like Fedora12:02
atrofastNot sure if Empathy was mature enough to move to just yet12:02
bonsaikittenit's a funny game12:02
bonsaikittenbut usually I don't want to play12:02
atrofastWhat's the biggest issue you have with yum?12:03
bonsaikittenit doesn't work12:04
bonsaikittenmaybe I'm just expecting too much12:05
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