Sunday, 2010-02-14

bonsaikittenheh, that should be fun02:51
bonsaikittenlast time I tried it the results were slightly unhappy02:51
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* FrankW returns to doing a hybrid build on amd_64 - though I'm having problems with that too. 09:33
* FrankW tears hear out!09:42
* FrankW tears *hair* out!09:42
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* FrankW works to flesh out the geospatial portion of the community wiki. 10:33
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* FrankW notes success building ingres-geospatial in hybrid mode once the LD_LIBRARY_PATH was set properly to find 32bit and 64bit versions of the geos shared library.20:41
FrankWAnd don't forget -c isn't enough - also blow away the build directory manually.20:42
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