Monday, 2010-02-15

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Vroomfondlejust out of interest, can Ingres do online checkpointing (i.e. without exclusively-locking the entire database)?02:56
VroomfondleOracle/MySQL/etc seem to have ways of doing it02:57
VroomfondlePaulM05: any idea where I should start looking for details on how to do it?02:57
Vroomfondlewe bring our system down for half an hour every day for checkpointing. I'm not a Systems Manager so it's not my decision, but I'd really like to be able to prod them at a better way of doing things...02:58
PaulM05check the Command Ref guide for the ckpdb command - checkpoints are online by default unless you use -l IIRC02:59
Vroomfondlek, cheers02:59
PaulM05there will still be a short pause whilst it completes existing transactions - plus there are some restrictions (no DDL) - so you still want it to be a 'quiet time' if possible03:00
VroomfondleAh, I see there's a section in the DBA guide03:01
Vroomfondleit seems to indicate that the checkpoint will wait until existing transactions are finished, but will prevent any new transactions from opening up during that time (presumably so it doesn't have to wait forever)03:01
PaulM05it will 'stall' new transactions - so they will begin eventually03:02
VroomfondleThat sounds fine tbh03:02
PaulM05you can set a timeout for the stall if you want03:02
VroomfondleI shall go have a word with the more reasonable system manager, and see if the idea'll fly03:03
PaulM05no problem03:03
Vroomfondleerm... okay. Just checked the command his script runs and, erm, we're already doing online checkpointing.03:26
VroomfondleSo we've been kicking users out for half an hour every night, for years, for no good reason.03:27
VroomfondleOh joy.03:27
PaulM05depending on how long "years" is it might have made sense - long ago the default was offline I think03:27
grantcperhaps you had uncommitted transactions which would cause the ckpdb to wait03:28
Vroomfondlegrantc: we commit after every query (don't get me started on that)03:29
Vroomfondleso with the exception of a few really enormous queries, transactions should never take long to finish ;)03:29
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Deyanhi everybody07:43
Deyanany DBA around?07:44
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FrankWAny geospatial folks around?  Chuck? Andrew?08:21
FrankWI'm getting: E_US07DE CREATE or ALTER TABLE: invalid column format 'geometry' on column08:21
FrankW    'geom'.08:21
FrankWin response to: create table test (geom geometry)\g08:21
FrankWIs there something I need to do to "geospatial enable" a database instance?08:22
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FrankWAlex|:  Are you Alex Trofast?  Or perhaps another Alex?08:32
Alex|another one :)08:34
FrankWok, thanks.08:34
Alex|you are looking for "atrofast"08:34
FrankWok, here is a more general question for the room.  Why does the limit directive not work when I do:08:36
FrankW select * from iicolumns limit 1\g08:36
FrankWIf I remove the limit clause things work fine.08:37
FrankWIs limit not standard sql?08:37
Alex|limit is mysql and maybe some others...08:37
PaulM05SELECT FIRST 1 * FROM iicolumns08:37
FrankWAh, thanks.08:37
Alex|ANSI is "fetch first n rows only offset m"08:37
FrankWThanks everyone - it seems i've picked up some non-standard habits from postgresql.08:38
Alex|ansi sql is very chatty :)08:38
Alex|I'm sure there is a "please" in the standards as well :)08:38
Deyanguys, do you use compression of your checkpoints?09:16
grantcDeyan - I do09:17
Deyangrantc: via cktmpl.def ?09:17
Deyangrantc: on a production server?09:18
Deyansorry if i ask too many questions :D09:18
grantcrelies on the fact the gnutar does the compression at the same time09:20
grantchowever with backup/recovery you should test it works for you09:20
grantcthere is a variable you can set to specify an alternate cktmp.def file - PaulM05 will probably know what it is09:21
Deyani $II_CKTMPL_BCV i think09:24
Deyanyeah, found that one too09:25
Deyanmaking backups is a tedious work09:25
Deyanthere are so many things one should do09:25
Deyani was thinking about not using compression from within ingres09:27
Deyanbut to write a script that will compress what needs to be compressed09:27
Deyan:) however, i fear i may leave something important out :D09:28
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* Deyan needs SELECT column1,column2,... INTO OUTFILE 'path/to/file';11:05
Deyani need to get database names11:06
Deyanfrom iidatabase11:06
Deyanand do not want to sed TM's output...11:06
Deyani'll play with COPY...INTO11:08
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FrankWI'm getting: /usr/bin/ld: /wrk/home/warmerda/ingres/server/install/II/ingres/lib/iiclsadt.o: relocation R_X86_64_32 against `a local symbol' can not be used when making a shared object; recompile with -fPIC20:02
FrankWI already added -fPIC to CCMACH64 in Jamdefs.hyb86_lnx and rebuild and reinstalled.20:02
FrankWBut I gather object files like iiclsadt.o are built as part of the install process.20:03
FrankWIs there something special to make sure it is built with -fPIC?20:03
FrankWHmm, on review, it does seem to be a product of the regular build, not the install process.20:08
FrankWPerhaps my Jamdefs.hyb86_lnx change was not effective for some reason.20:08
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Deyangood morning gents23:48
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Deyanmorning Alex|23:56

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