Wednesday, 2010-03-03

pboroI'll post some info later on the community forums too00:19
pboroI could also add running the tests, just have to figure how :)00:23
pborois it possible to install from the build without packaging?00:27
pboroah, createdbms could do it...00:29
pborolooks pretty simple, I'll try adding test runs to the nightly build00:31
grantcpboro, nice work01:06
grantci assume fixel is your box?01:09
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grantcah i see, you build it offsite then upload01:30
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PaulM05pboro: just seen your nightly build stuff on the IRC logs - nice work01:35
pborograntc, it is01:41
pborograntc, yup, I don't like doing builds on a production system :)01:41
pboroPaulM05, thanks, I'm currently looking into getting the test running too and uploading the log on the web01:41
pborotests even01:42
PaulM05that would be cool01:42
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PaulM05what would be nice is if people who tried it give feedback so we get an idea when a particular build is stable etc.01:44
PaulM05perhaps ask people to post on the forums01:45
pboroahh, tests require a number of user accounts to be created...01:51
PaulM05is that going to be a problem?01:52
grantcOr pboro could write a script to post to a blog/twitter allowing those who are interested to keep up to date01:52
pboroPaulM05, on the current server yes, but if I'll arrange a separate virtual server for it then no... but it will take some time01:53
PaulM05grantc: sure but I was trying not to scare him off yet :)01:53
grantci'd be happy to supply the blog system :)01:53
grantcalthough that's a minor part of the puzzle01:54
pborohmm actually a new build every night doesn't make much sense, I should change the script to use svn revision some how01:55
grantcVroomfondle, can you tell me what the output is from "file `which php`" on your solaris box01:56
pborograntc, hmm like automatically posting a new message to a blog when a new build is completed and published? or what was the idea :)01:57
grantcyup - perhaps with a link to build log01:57
pboroah, yeah01:58
pboroI'll have to think about that later, next I'm going to test whether changeset 2613 fixes
Vroomfondlegrantc: ELF 32-bit MSB executable SPARC32PLUS Version 1, V8+ Required, dynamically linked, not stripped02:02
VroomfondleI have however just done an "ls -alt" on it02:02
Vroomfondleand noticed that the date is Nov 4th02:02
Vroomfondleour admin has rebuilt PHP twice since then02:02
VroomfondleI wonder if he's neglected to rebuild the standalone binary, somehow02:03
Vroomfondle(presumably that might matter)02:03
grantc"ELF 32-bit MSB executable SPARC Version 1, dynamically linked, not stripped" is what i see02:03
grantcafaik i built it using the SUNWspro compiler02:04
grantcpboro, do you see any merit to tweeting the commits in ingres/main?02:07
pborograntc, since it's possible to follow them via RSS, not really02:09
grantcwhich feed do you use? or one02:09
Vroomfondlelrwxrwxrwx   1 root           25 Oct 30 13:53 /usr/bin/cc -> /opt/sunstudio12.1/bin/cc02:12
VroomfondleI presume that's what was used.02:12
grantcpboro, ok... perhaps when i get a moment i might add the rss feed to twitter but it can wait.02:16
grantcVroomfondle, hmm02:17
grantccc -V gives "cc: Sun WorkShop 6 update 2 C 5.3 2001/05/15" ... perhaps i'd better find another machine02:18
pbororather old :D02:18
grantcpre-historic :)02:19
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Dejanhello everybody03:42
DejanPaulM05: are you one of the people who hold courses in Slaugh?03:43
PaulM05I am in Slough but I don't do courses03:44
PaulM05do you need to contact someone in training?03:44
Dejani am thinking about taking "Managing Ingres Installations and Databases" course03:45
PaulM05sounds good03:46
PaulM05if you do you'll have to pop along and say hello03:49
Vroomfondlebring your own coffee03:49
Vroomfondle(unless they've replaced that horrible Flavia machine ;) )03:49
PaulM05dunno - we have to make our own03:50
DejanVroomfondle: are you in Slaugh too? :)03:50
VroomfondleDejan: no, but I've been there on a course03:50
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VroomfondleI did ABF/Vision there. I remember Mike Flower (?) doing his very best to make it seem like exciting forward-thinking technology :D03:52
PaulM05and suffered the coffee03:52
Vroomfondleand the lack of working toilets (but I assume that was a temporary problem ;) )03:52
PaulM05lots of sites still using lots of ABF - it's like the COBOL of the Ingres world03:52
Dejanwe use ABF here too03:55
Dejanthat is why I am hired - to replace ABF application(s) with Java ones03:56
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PaulM05that's interesting - do you find you have a lot of re-useable code?04:00
atrofastIs that one of those jobs where you work yourself out of one Dejan?04:01
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Vroomfondlewe use about a million lines of ABF04:04
Vroomfondlebut we're moving away from it over the coming years04:05
Vroomfondleas someone who was educated in using languages with relatively rich APIs, it was a bit of a shock to the system...04:06
DejanVroomfondle: where do you live if I may ask? :)04:15
Dejani've never been there04:17
Dejanmust be a nice place04:17
DejanUK is nice over there04:17
Vroomfondleyeah, Canterbury's quite nice04:17
Vroomfondlerelatively quite, and it's got some history.04:17
VroomfondleSlough on the other end is basically a big toilet ;)04:18
Vroomfondle*other hand04:18
* Vroomfondle can't string a sentence together today >.<04:18
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PaulM05Dejan: I just spoke with Mike Flower (as I was passing) are you thinking of doing the course in 3 weeks time?04:20
PaulM0522nd March?04:20
DejanPaulM05: i am thinking about asking my boss, yes04:21
Dejanare there free places for it?04:21
Dejanand it was likĀ£3k or so?04:21
PaulM05in fact he was wondering whether we had enough people to run it - 1 more person would make it definite04:21
PaulM05don't know about prices04:22
PaulM05email for more info if you need it04:22
PaulM05Vroomfondle - was it more than a year ago that you came on a course?04:23
Vroomfondlemust've been about two years ago I should think04:23
PaulM05ah - in that case it would have been the old building - now I understand about the coffee machine and the toilets04:24
VroomfondleI'd been using ABF for about 14 months or so when my boss suddenly decided that I should go on a course to learn how to use ABF04:24
Vroomfondleah, you've moved?04:24
PaulM05abot half a mile down the road04:24
VroomfondleI remember a big ghostly office-block which spoke of glories past.04:24
PaulM05well the Council moved in and took it over04:25
PaulM05but I know what you mean04:25
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Dejanis there a way to gracefully flush everything in iidbms without actually restarting it?04:33
Dejani want it start from a clean slate every morning04:34
PaulM05not really - you can flush various memory pools04:34
PaulM05but I'm not sure it's "graceful"04:35
PaulM05you could close the current DBMS to new connections and start a new one04:35
PaulM05so the current one will stop gracefully when the last connection closes04:36
PaulM05brb - going to get some "terrible" coffee ;)04:37
Dejanthanks PaulM0504:37
Dejanthat is actually a good way04:37
PaulM05you'll need to make sure you define them as having shared cache04:40
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* grantc wonders how Vroomfondle ever got PHP built 05:17
grantci'm now hitting
Vroomfondlewell, our admin built it for me in the end05:27
Dejangrantc: O/05:28
Dejanido that often05:28
grantci'm trying to get hold of a machine that has a recent compiler installed and is patched up05:28
* grantc is starting to dislike solaris05:29
Dejanwelcome to the club05:29
Mudyou guys are all DB admins?05:30
grantcMud no - we're a mixed bunch - some developers and dbas05:31
Mudke :P05:31
Dejan2/3 developer 1/3 dba05:31
MudI am a network admin/system admin/db admin/whatever05:32
Mudhehe :P05:32
MudI handle everything :+05:32
VroomfondleI do development work and try to advise our DBAs without going so far as to take on any official DBA responsibilities ;)05:35
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MudVroomfondle \o/05:57
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