Thursday, 2010-03-04

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Dejanmorning guys01:29
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pborowhere does archiver store its position regarding to logs?02:20
pboroI'm facing E_DM9838_ARCH_DB_BAD_LA02:20
PaulM05there's a last log address journalled in the database cnf file - see infodb output02:23
pborohow do I know which database? :D02:31
pboromaybe iiacp.log... lemme check02:31
pboronot good, it's iidbdb02:31
pboroLast Log Address Journaled : <1230534651:60775:208>02:32
pboroah... journal is not in sync because it was copied over from yesterday02:33
pborois there a way to reset it?02:33
PaulM05copied from where?02:33
pborofrom the same installation but a copy from few hours before02:34
pboroadmin did live upgrade on solaris and apparently it messed up something with the journals02:34
PaulM05well first thing I would do is check whether the database itself is ok02:35
PaulM05is the system in use?02:35
pboroit is02:35
pborono errors are coming out and I can query catalogs in iidbdb without errors02:35
pboroI'm pretty certain that the db is ok02:35
PaulM05in which case the best thing to do is probably disable journaling on iidbdb and then re-enable with a new checkpoint02:36
PaulM05you'll need a 5min window of exclusive access to iidbdb02:36
pborook, disable it using... alterdb -disable_journaling? or how02:36
PaulM05yes alterdb02:37
pborowhy 5min window of excl access? :) if I just do alterdb -disable_journaling and then run ckpdb? or what was the idea?02:37
PaulM05you'll need to do ckpdb +j to re-enable journalling and that will take a database lock02:38
pborook, that's not a prob and the checkpoint will prolly be a very quick one02:38
PaulM05that should be ok but you won't get any new connections to any other database02:38
PaulM05yes iidbdb is typically small which is why I said 5min02:38
pboroI guess I need to start archiver after running alterdb? ie run "ingstart -dmfacp"?02:39
pboroand then ckpdb +j?02:39
pborook, lemme try :D02:39
pborook, worked02:40
PaulM05no problem02:40
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grantcVroomfondle, i've managed to reproduce your problem03:19
pboroapparently if a database columns contains \r\n on Solaris, report writer and qbf fails to output the text correctly03:35
pboroit seems that the string just gets cut at the first \r03:36
pborois this some known problem, any tips? :)03:36
pboroapparently it's not possible to get rows containing \n or \r with WHERE col LIKE03:39
pboroat least WHERE col LIKE '\n' or LIKE X'0A' does not appear to work as expected03:39
Vroomfondlegrantc: woohoo!03:40
Vroomfondlethat's what I like to hear.03:40
grantci can only reproduce it on linux03:40
grantcsolaris even ...03:40
pborooops, my mistake :)03:41
pboroLIKE works as should03:41
grantcline 6925 "value_long = (long) *((II_INT4 *) columnData->dv_value);" is failing03:41
pborobut reports and qbf fails on solaris with \r's03:41
pborowe'll remove \r's but it's still weird03:41
PaulM05not come across that one pboro03:43
pboroI'll have to put up a test case and try it on different servers03:44
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pboronaah, report writer works fine, prolly something weird in the report then04:03
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pboroahh, figures... report writer only outputs first four rows :)04:26
pboroI wonder if it's possible to make it dynamic, ie print as long as there's something to print04:27
pboroie if I have col with value 'first\nsecond\nthird\nfourth\nfifth\nsixth", report writer only outputs first four rows when using .PRINT (c256)04:29
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gerhardHi all06:25
PaulM05hi gerhard06:26
atrofastDoes anyone know what the AS BEGIN EXECUTE INTERNAL; means for the procedures defined in src/dbutil/duf/duc/ducdata.c?06:30
withdefault@atrofast, found this in the parser code06:32
ii_logwithdefault: Error: "atrofast," is not a valid command.06:32
PaulM05it means that there's a hook into the DBMS server and the procedure exists as a way of calling it from embedded SQL - it's used for things like verifydb, destroydb and createdb06:32
atrofastAh so where are those procedures actually defined then? :)06:33
PaulM05I'm just trying to remind myself of that06:34
atrofastI'm looking to add a couple of new procedures and am uncertain where to put them if not in ducdata.c06:35
PaulM05what sort of procedures?06:35
withdefaultatrofast, comments acording to parser
PaulM05have a look at qeaiproc.c in qeq06:37
atrofastThanks withdefault!06:37
atrofastPaulM05: that adds and removes rows from a new system catalog06:37
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PaulM05you shouldn't need to do an execute internal for that I don't think06:38
atrofastOh that's not going to work06:38
atrofastSince I'd like other users to be able to use it than $ingres06:39
atrofastIs it even possible to create a stored proc that any user can run that can edit a system catalog?06:40
PaulM05I think if you create it as a regular procedure - using SQL inserts/updates etc - then the user running it needs permissions on the tables concerned - in this case the system catalog06:44
atrofastCan I make an iiblah_catalog public?06:44
atrofastOr is Ingres going to disallow that?06:44
PaulM05not sure to be honest - there are some checks that look at whether a table starts "ii" - but it's not something I've done a lot with06:46
atrofastI guess all I can do is try it out then, thanks a lot PaulM0506:46
PaulM05are the updates a consequence of something else or are they a way to directly update the data? e.g. is it like when you create a sequence it creates a row in iisequences or is that you want to store info in iiblah and the procedure will be an interface for updating that info?06:47
atrofastPaulM05: The second, iiblah has info, the procedures can add/remove info from it06:50
gerhardI have a table with about 4000 rows that contains a field of type ingresdate, this field *should* contain date-only, but a few rows contain date+timestamp. Any way to get rid of the timestamp and just keep the date?06:55
PaulM05I've done it the other way around06:58
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PaulM05how about something like: UPDATE mytable SET date_col=DATE(LEFT(VARCHAR(date_col),11))? (that's based on II_DATE_FORMAT=US)07:08
withdefaultgerhard, try
withdefaultI get this on my instance
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gerhardwithdefault: thanks, the date_trunc function does the job. Paul: also thanks, I suppose date(left(... also would have worked.07:51
PaulM05yeah - I wasn't sure if date_trunc would just give you a date with a 00:00:00 time - of course withdefault did the sensible thing and tested it! ;)07:53
withdefaultI wasn't sure what would happen with times close to boundaries07:53
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quelgeekHi gang.  The call for papers for the UK IUA 2010 conference is posted here:
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quelgeekThe IUA is also asking for nominees for this year's Ingres Community Service award.  Please email your nominations to
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