Monday, 2010-03-15

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gerhardHi all06:05
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FrankWcthibert:  I've updated with your recent commit,and I'm building it now.06:50
FrankWI've also attempted to add my transform() stub.  Perhaps I can ask a few questions later if it doesn't seem to get incorporated properly?06:51
cthibertGreat.  Absolutely.06:51
FrankWI see I *really* need the geos patches now.  Grr.06:57
FrankWHmm, the only think coming up missing is GEOSGetX_r and GEOSGetY_r.06:59
FrankWIs adu_geom_hilbert used for the indexing?06:59
FrankWI'm wondering how bad it would be to just comment out these calls for now.06:59
FrankWcthibert:  any thoughts on that?07:00
cthibertSorry, stepped away for a sec.  Yeah, hilbert is indexing.  You can comment them out safely.07:12
cthibertFrankW - to get attention to my last comment.07:14
FrankWthanks - trying that out.07:15
FrankWcthibert:  Sweet, the build is good and my transform() function is registered and working (for now just returning the original geometry).07:45
cthibertExcellent.  Good to hear.07:45
FrankWWould it be reasonable to commit this so my function ids and stuff are reserved, avoiding too many merge problems in the future?07:45
cthibertYup.  Sounds like a good approach to me.07:46
FrankWmy first commit, very exciting!07:50
FrankWHmm, it seems I need a ticket.  Should I file a ticket about the transform function?  Or is there a generic ticket already for the geospatial project?07:51
cthibertNo generic ticket.  We just make the tickets as required.07:53
FrankWok, will do.07:53
FrankWIt really isn't that easy to find the bug tracker.  After looking around for a while I just took a blind stab at and got a hit.07:57
FrankWcthibert:  how do I commit a revision against a ticket without closing it?08:11
cthibertI've always just re-opened the ticket after submission if required.  Otherwise I make another ticket, if the original ticket is specific enough.  I.E. in your case the first ticket could be "Transform function stub." The second ticket - "Transform function implementation."08:12
FrankWreopening works for me.08:13
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Dejanhello everybody09:52
Dejani have an SQL question...09:52
Dejani have a table: CREATE TABLE testt(testt_id INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, sequence INT, someval VARCHAR(32));09:52
Dejani want extract only rows that have maximum sequence09:52
Dejanwhat I do atm is to make a temporary table09:53
Dejanas i could not come with better solution09:53
Dejani am grouping them by someval09:54
Dejanand in each group sequence increases...09:55
rossandHi All. FYI, I applied on behalf of Ingres for Google Summer of Code 2010. A list of projects are: If you have any project suggestions, please ping me to discuss. Thanks!09:56
rossandNo guarantees how many/if we get GSoC interns. 2008 we had 3, 2009 - 0.09:56
withdefaultdejan - within the same transaction you can use last_identity() - select * from testt where testt_id = last_identity();09:57
Dejanwithdefault: nope, that is not the problem09:57
Dejanan example 3 rows: (1, 1, "ITC")(2,2,"ITC")(3,3,"ITC")(4,"CPP")09:58
Dejan4 rows pardon09:59
Dejanwhen i group this09:59
Dejanby someval09:59
Dejani want only those rows with max(sequence)09:59
Dejanin this small case i would get two rows09:59
Dejani use temporary table for this, as i said, but i am sure it can be done in a more elegant way10:00
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Dejani think i did it10:28
Dejanwith help of an inner join10:28
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