Tuesday, 2010-03-16

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Dejanhello everybody01:15
* Dejan will be in Slough next week! Woohooo!01:16
Dejanguys, do you know how much does it cost to pay for the Ingres support ?01:53
Dejan(per year)01:53
DejanI may be able to persuade my managers to pay for it ;)01:54
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Dejanhi PaulM05 & KermitTheFragger02:31
KermitTheFraggerhello Dejan02:31
DejanI wonder if Ingres has some sort of ... timer or something so i can call a procedure at a certain time of day02:36
Dejanlike a crontab basically02:36
Dejanso far i do it via a BASH script02:36
KermitTheFraggerDejan: hmm to be honest that sounds more like a job for middleware02:36
DejanKermitTheFragger: i have a table with employees02:36
VroomfondleI think that's normally achieved via a crontab...02:36
Dejanand some of them work only at certain days02:37
Dejanand at some days they are off02:37
Dejani need to update status of a certain table02:37
Dejanfor those who actually WORK today02:37
PaulM05no - there's no Ingres scheduler - although I think there is one in the new tools framework that's under development02:37
Dejani do this via a simple BASH, atm, but I think it might be a good thing to have a simple scheduler in Ingres itself02:38
KermitTheFraggerwould be a nice addition, could also be used for some maintenance tasks02:39
VroomfondleI don't think there'd be a huge amount of advantage over crontab for most tasks02:39
Vroomfondlethough maybe it would aid portability02:39
KermitTheFraggerVroomfondle: yeah thats the biggest advantage probably02:40
KermitTheFraggerother then that all i schedule all my stuff with quartz in the middleware02:41
KermitTheFraggerI know Oracle has it btw (if thats worth anything ;-)02:41
Vroomfondleas does MSSQL02:42
KermitTheFraggerso personally I wouldn't use it, but I can see why people would.02:43
DejanVroomfondle: exactly02:52
Dejanbecause one can write solution to some problem that will work on every machine, including Winblows02:52
KermitTheFraggersort of write once, run anywhere ? ;-)02:52
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DejanPaulM05: next week I am in Slough02:53
Dejanwanna have a cofee/luch? :)02:53
PaulM05sure :)02:54
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DejanPaulM05: great :)03:25
Dejangrantc: hello :)03:25
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Dejanis there any way to prevent 9.3.0 server from crashing due to many abrupt session terminations?04:20
Dejani keep getting that SIGSEGV i talked about last week04:20
DejanYay! I got E_DMA460_LGREAD_EOF_REACHED04:22
Dejanit is basically impossible that i reached the end of the log file...04:27
Dejanit is 16GB big04:27
Dejanas large as the database04:27
Dejanquestion: is log file purged after restart of the server?04:33
Dejanor it will fill up with data until the end of file?04:33
Dejan(transaction log)04:33
PaulM05it's "Purged" by the archiver process - which removes committed transactions and (if appropriate) writes them to the journal files04:34
PaulM05start up is one of the times the archiver "wakes up"04:34
PaulM05one way to fill your log file is someone starts a transaction and never commits04:35
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Dejanfor some reason our ODBC is borked...05:03
DejanError type: [Ingres][Ingres ODBC Driver]Ingres API failure probably to due to transaction already abnormally terminated (0x80004005)[Ingres][Ingres ODBC Driver]Ingres API failure probably to due to transaction already abnormally terminated#05:04
Dejaninternet information server says this05:04
Dejanactually ODBC driver05:04
Dejanhow to inform ODBC tehre that server has been restarted05:04
Dejanand it should refresh05:04
Alex|Hi FrankW05:06
FrankWHi Alex|05:08
Alex|Hi - maybe you can help me. I'm trying to set up the gis demo but ogr2ogr isn't working for me05:09
FrankWWere you successful building GDAL/OGR against ingres?05:10
Alex|I am following http://community.ingres.com/wiki/GeoDemoLinuxSetup but when I run ogr2ogr on an shp file it tells me "unable to open existing output datasource @driver=ingres,dbname=geo"05:10
Alex|yes, it was built with ingres support05:10
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FrankWDoes the output of "ogrinfo --formats" include:05:11
FrankW -> "Ingres" (read/write)05:11
Alex|hm, no... but it did compile the ingres parts05:12
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FrankWany chance you aren't really running the version you built?05:12
Alex|I'm doing another clean build to be sure everything is correct05:12
FrankWgood idea.05:12
Alex|configure says Ingres Support: yes - let's see what happens05:13
DejanAlex|: how much is the support contract? (per year)05:20
Alex|you'd better ask your sales representative but it's somewhere near $8000/socket/year05:20
Alex|list price05:21
Dejando I have to pay for the ODBC driver?05:30
Dejani could not find the place to actually download just what is needed to deploy client on Windows...05:31
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Dejandoes anyone know if there is a package with everything needed for a simple client (ODBC) on Windows?05:32
Dejanand is it free of charge?05:32
Alex|ODBC comes with Ingres - you need to install at least the client05:33
gerhardI think you could just download any Ingres 9.x or 10.x community release for Windows, do a "typical client" setup, add the vnode entries in VDBA, create DSNs with odbcad32.exe05:33
Dejangerhard: excellent05:34
Dejanbecause we still use Ingres 2.6 ODBC driver...05:34
gerhardand the server side is newer...?05:34
Dejanserver side is
Dejanand i had a headache today05:35
Dejanbecause odbc driver on windows got confused little bit :D05:35
Dejanmore about: http://community.ingres.com/forum/database-drivers-apis/11771-odbc-problem-database-working-but-odbc-shouts-error.html05:35
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gerhardthat ODBC 2.6 used to work fine against 9.3 DBMS, but now makes troubles after you restarted the 9.3 DBMS?05:37
Alex|FrankW, still no Ingres in the list :(05:38
gerhardwhat does the server-side errlog.log say? Maybe a full transaction log...05:38
FrankWAlex|:  and you are sure you are running the version you built?05:38
Alex|I even tried the one directly in the build folder05:39
FrankWTrying it in the build folder does not ensure that the right shared library will be used.05:39
FrankWIs there more than one libgdal.so* on the system?05:39
Dejangerhard: yes05:40
Alex|hmhm, there was indeed something in /usr/local whereas I have installed it to /use...05:40
Dejangerhard: no errors on the server-side05:40
Dejanbecause ODBC did not make a connection at all05:41
FrankWAlex|:  I'd suggest removing all libgdal.so* files anywhere on the system and then doing the install again.05:41
FrankWYou likely have a shared library mixup.05:41
Alex|yup, am about05:41
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Alex|ah, got it05:44
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Dejanis there a way to see how "full" the transaction log file is?06:06
pborosure, using ipm06:06
Dejanpboro is that in the "Header" section?06:08
pborohmm yes iirc06:08
Dejanthat star is the indicator?06:08
Dejanweird... "% in use or reserved: 0", but star is located in the middle of that diagram...06:09
PaulM05_lunchThose stars are a histogram of usage of log buffers06:10
PaulM05_lunchoh wait - you're looking at ipm06:10
Dejani am looking for a simple: [###########       ]06:11
Dejanso i know how full is the transaction log06:11
PaulM05_lunchconceptually the logfile is circular06:11
PaulM05_lunchso the * represents the start and end06:11
PaulM05_lunchif it was more in use you might see something like [     *>--->    ]06:12
Dejanso when it is full, it starts overwriting the start of file06:12
PaulM05_lunch(think I've got the symbols right)06:12
PaulM05_lunchno - it hits a limit first and starts rolling back transactions06:12
Dejanthanks PaulM05_lunch for clarification06:12
PaulM05_lunchthis is a preview of next week ;)06:13
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* Dejan goes to lunch now :D06:13
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Alex|grr, my Fedora 9 apache won't eat neither PassEnv nor SetEnv...06:22
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Dejani stopped using Apache some ... 6-7 years ago06:35
Dejani stumbled upon Lighttpd by accident06:36
Dejanand stopped using Apache after that06:36
bonsaikittenthey aren't equivalent ...06:38
Alex|ok, FrankW - one step further... can you tell me what causes "msEvalRegex(): String failed expression test"?06:51
Alex|I found something about qy and qry files... where are they?06:52
* Dejan really, really needs to get the IP of the connection when E_GC2205_RMT_ABORT happens :(06:53
Dejani cannot find the source of this error06:53
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FrankWAlex|:  This often means that a file does not have thee expected extension.  As a security measure the filenames are tested against regular expressions.07:24
FrankWFor instance, a map that does not end in .map.07:25
Alex|hm, ok... I simply unpacked the demo_package07:32
FrankWmany of these security restrictions are quite new and the demo does not always keep up to date.07:35
Dejanguys, how can i enable some more information in the stack trace ?07:35
FrankWthis is pretty lame.07:35
Dejani keep ketting this annoying sivsegv07:35
Dejansigsegv, sorry07:36
Dejanand always the same stack trace in the errorlog.log07:36
Dejani want to find out what is causing it...07:36
Alex|FrankW, unfortunately the log doesn't tell me what file it complains about07:37
FrankWthat's pretty frustrating.  Perhaps you could try "shp2img -m your.map -all_debug 1 -o out.png" on the map and see if you get any more information.07:37
Alex|I'm not even sure what map it uses... there is the gmap-ms46 folder which contains a few gmap*.map files07:38
PaulM05Dejan: I take it you don't get any other message before hand?07:38
Alex|ah the demo xml says gmap75.map07:39
Alex|ah, failed OGR connection in layer land_fn. File not found or unsupported format07:42
DejanPaulM05: there is a pattern, i have explained it on forum07:45
FrankWAlex|:   I think you are getting closer now.07:45
Dejanprior to SIGSEGV  i get few E_GC2205_RMT_ABORT and E_GC0001_ASSOC_FAIL errors07:45
Dejanalways like that07:45
Dejanfirst dozen those, then PAF! SIGSEGV07:46
PaulM05do you get any errors from the DBMS itself?07:46
Dejanand IIDBMS goes down07:46
Dejanyes, i do, max errors07:46
PaulM05cos there are diags we can trigger off that07:46
PaulM05hmm max errors is not very helpful07:46
DejanE_SC0234_SESSION_END too07:47
Dejanbunch of those07:47
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PaulM05can you put a bit of the errlog.log leading up to a SIGSEGV onto pastebin?07:48
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Alex|FrankW, closer but not yet there :)07:50
DejanPaulM05: i will do it in a minute07:50
Alex|does it try to get the data directly from the land_fn.shp file or from the db?07:51
Alex|when runninf shp2img07:51
Alex|argh, my ii_system was set wrong....07:52
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Alex|shp2img works now, mapserver still says string failed expression test07:55
FrankWWhat is the mapserver url?07:55
Alex| /demo07:55
FrankWThat's the whole url?07:55
Alex|localhost/demo, yes07:56
Alex|I get an empty mapserver page with no map in it07:56
FrankWIs there an index.html in that directory?07:56
Alex|yes. It's all in /var/www as the howto says. Fusion, gmap07:57
Alex|I get the frame of mapserver with the zoom icons but no map07:57
FrankWCan you establish the url it is trying to evaluate for the map?  Perhaps right clicking in the map area to get the url of the failed load?07:58
Alex|the frame where the map would show keeps loading forever... which keeps firefox from allowing a right click, yeah... I'll add something to the php code08:00
FrankWI'm not really familiar with the demo setup.08:00
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Alex|problem is, the actual error happens in the php_mapserver.so08:03
FrankWAlex|:  I'm out of ideas.08:04
Alex|dito :)08:04
Alex|only that I need to present it on a workshop :)08:05
Alex|I'd say this whole fusion thing doesn't work with my version of mapserver...08:11
Alex|I commented out the piece with the error (was only for loading the map to the session folder)08:11
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Alex|now I get errors about non-existing methods in the mapserver object08:11
FrankWAlex|:  can you be more specific?08:12
Alex|Property imagetype does not exist in this object08:13
FrankWWell, I doubt I could help anyways.  But yes, perhaps you have version matching issues.08:13
FrankWI'm not aware of changes with regard to imagetype.08:13
Alex|it's all about this ms_newMapObj which is defined in the mapscript extension08:13
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FrankWIf you could get ahold of him, Paul Spencer might be a good person to ask.08:14
Alex|ok. I also sent Andrew a mail. Many thanks for your help so far.08:23
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Dejanguys, is there a way to increase timeout in IIGCC so it waits more for remote connections09:36
Dejanour network is heavily loaded and sometimes we get timeouts09:37
Dejanwhen i ping the server for an example09:37
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PaulM05Dejan: sent you an email with some debugging stuff for your SIGSEGV problem10:42
PaulM05anyway - good night all10:43
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