Monday, 2010-05-24

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Dejanhello everyone04:44
PaulM05hi Dejan04:44
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PaulM05hello again Dejan06:50
Dejanhow's going, Paul? :)06:50
PaulM05not bad - could do with being cooler - or better aircon :)06:51
Dejanyeah, it is hot outside...06:52
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Dejanis it possible to specify that PK index of the table should use storage structure, instead of making a separate index table?09:15
Dejan(in the create table statement)09:15
Dejanthanks, looks like it is the time to read create table docs09:17
PaulM05looks like you need to put "WITH AUTOSTRUCT" - I thought you could put "WITH INDEX=BASE TABLE STRUCTURE" in the PRIMARY KEY clause but it doesn't seem to allow that.09:26
PaulM05there's also a CBF param table_auto_structure which does the same thing when set to ON09:27
DejanPaulM05, so ... CREATE TABLE mytable(mytable_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY WITH INDEX=BASE TABLE STRUCTURE, ...) ?09:32
PaulM05doesn't appear to work09:33
PaulM05CREATE TABLE mytable (...) with AUTOSTRUCT will use the storage structure though09:33
Dejanall i want is to make a table where PK is going to use the structure09:34
Dejani need to read docs and do some tests...09:34
PaulM05the later will work but it's the other way around - it uses the PK to define the storage structure09:35
PaulM05oh and the 9.3 manuals talk about "WITH INDEX=BASE_TABLE_STRUCTURE" - note the underscores - but if you do that it'll work... and create an index called "base_table_structure"09:36
Dejanhelp table says the table allows duplicates even though i wrote WITH NODUPLICATES :)09:43
Dejanok, HASH UNIQUE must be set...09:44
PaulM05or BTREE?09:45
Dejanyes, sorry, i meant UNIQUE is needed09:45
* Dejan sees WITH NODUPLICATES as a pointless parameter09:45
Dejanif Ingres is going to ignore it09:45
Dejanat least it should return an error09:46
Dejansaying "you need unique storage structure"09:46
PaulM05well to be fair it's not supposed to work that way09:46
Dejaneven without unique storage structure, with noduplicates should ensure we have no duplicate tuples09:47
PaulM05I believe so - I don't really use NODUPLICATES but I think that's the case09:48
Dejanok we know there are actually no duplicate rows (TIDs ensure so)09:48
Dejanbut it is confusing, and not well documented i think09:49
Dejani wrote a simple create table statement with noduplicates, and help table still showed that duplicate rows are allowed09:49
Dejanit may be "help" bug09:49
Dejanor may not09:49
PaulM05what was the structure of the table?09:50
Dejanfirst i use default, which is heap i think09:50
Dejanthen i made it into a hash09:50
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Dejanand only when i modified it into a HASH UNIQUE ON <PK>09:51
PaulM05OK - so the manual says that it doesn't enforce it with heap, and that the table structure overrides it - so if you made it hash without the unique then it would allow duplicates09:51
Dejanit shown that it allows no duplicates09:51
PaulM05it is a little confusing09:52
Dejanmy point exactly09:52
PaulM05anyway - I'm off now - have a pleasant evening09:58
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Dejanyou too mate09:58
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Dejantime to go home, have fun guys10:40
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