Wednesday, 2011-05-18

*** Alex| has joined #ingres00:02
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GerhardHi all00:10
GerhardI have a problem: a user administrator has created a database,00:12
Gerhardhow can I enable a user ingres to unloaddb the database *without* having to use -uadministrator flag?00:12
Gerhard"grant dba on database dbname to user ingres" or something like that?00:13
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DarylMGerhard: I don't know of any other way to unloaddb as a user other than the owner without using the "-u" flag06:30
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grantcnote for anyone looking at today's IRC logs and the changing timestamps22:03
grantci've been moving the bot, ii_log, between systems due to changes in hosting for after a trip from California to Valladolid, the bot is now at home somewhere in a cloud over the UK22:04
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