Tuesday, 2009-09-01

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Dejanhello everybody02:17
pborohi guys02:33
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thiagomzguys, anyone knows how to calculate my inbound_limit and outbound_limit ?05:30
thiagomzi´m getting a warning - WARNING!!! The recommended file descriptor hard limit for the NET Server to serv05:31
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DarylMToday begins the Redhat/JBoss conference in Chicago.  Fun times for all. :)07:20
grantcSpeaking of "fun times" have you upgraded to SL yet?07:20
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DarylMjust the laptop07:22
DarylMSadly, we are still running Exchange 2003 :(07:22
DarylMI notice many things faster, the dock improvements are nice, otherwise, not much changed07:22
grantchave you got the updated cisco vpn client?07:22
DarylMOh, and that ;)07:22
DarylMWorks beautifully.07:23
grantci am still waiting for my order to surface but I have been going through the check list of stuff i need to sort out.07:23
grantcthe only problems i see on my list are Photoshop elements and the printer ... so i might hold off upgrading leopard until .1 or .2 comes out07:24
Dejanyikes, Mac...07:37
Dejanthree times i got Macs in my companies, and i turned them all into Linux machines07:38
DarylMactually BSD Unix07:39
DarylMI trust your "customers" were ok with breaking their easy to use computers  ... :)07:40
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Dejanerm those macs where for me...08:50
Dejanso i could do what i pleased08:50
atrofastI don't quite see the point to buy Macs just to install *nix... I mean wouldn't it be cheaper to just buy whatever hardware :)08:56
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Dejanbut companies quite often buy a bundle09:35
Dejanfrom some supplier09:35
Dejannobody asked me if i wanted Mac or not09:35
Dejanfrankly, i would much rather be happy with some custom-built PC that is about 2x faster than normal Mac09:36
Dejanand costs about 30% less09:36
Dejanon top of that, Linux worked better on Mac than MacOSX09:36
DejanMac could be faster now09:37
Dejanlast time i installed Linux on Mac was 3 years ago09:37
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